This is an incomplete and unpublished draft of an index of the Sutta Piṭaka. For more information, visit the
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First, look things up by noun followed by an adjective. If that doesn't work, then try the adjective.
Checking cross references is essential. If you don't find what you need always check cross references.
For the sake of simplicity, the grammar of head and sub words may not always match. For example, energetic, as protector might be more accurately written as energetic, being as protector, which more verbosely would be written as energetic, being energetic serves as a protector.
In all cases, one should actually read the sutta being refrenced and not rely on the index headings or subheadings. For example, some wrong views may be indexed in a way that is not immediately apparent that they are such. So actually reading the sutta is critical for understanding the matter at hand.
Diacritics are ignored for alphabetization.
Pāli is given for some terms. The Pāli is generally in the singular, though the term in the text may be plural.
Generally, headwords will be in English. For some words where the Pāli is more concise and well known (e.g. Bodhisatta, paccekabuddha) it will be listed under Pāli.
In some cases, although a Pāli word may appear in parentheses in the head word, the Pāli word may not appear in the text.
Proper names may refer to multiple distinct individuals. Also note that some identical looking names may be gendered versions, e.g. Visākhā and Visākha.
Most suttas have a short summary. To see them, desktop users can hover over citations with the mouse. Mobile and touch users can swipe them.
While this index attempts to be more than just significant occurrences, it is by no mean a complete concordance of all words in the Sutta Piṭaka. For that you may want to try using the .
The Digital Pāli Dictionary is also an excellent resource.
All citation for Vimanavatthu and Petavatthu link to as it is the only complete online resource.
You are viewing the full featured index. There is also a plain HTML version that works better on older mobile devices.
You are viewing the plain HTML version of the index. There is also a full featured version with sutta summaries and search.
Table of headwords sorted by number of unique locators.
Table of suttas with headwords and sub-heads.
An index of topics, words, people, similes, and titles found in the Pāli canon of the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
By using this index you will learn what the Buddha and his Great Disciples had to say about the Dhamma that ends all suffering. Whether you are just beginning to learn about Buddhism or are researching deep topics, this sutta index will help you on your path.