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Comprehensive Index of Pāli Suttas

An index of topics, words, people, similes, and titles found in the Pāli canon of the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

By using this index you will learn what the Buddha and his Great Disciples had to say about the Dhamma that ends all suffering. Whether you are just beginning to learn about Buddhism or are researching deep topics, this sutta index will help you on your path.

A abandoning (pajahati, pahāna) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon aggregates SN22.79 Khajjanīya blemishes in oneself MN5 Anaṅgaṇa disciples not giving up what the Buddha says to give up MN3 Dhammadāyāda noble truth of the cessation of suffering SN56.11 Dhammacakkappavattana, SN56.29 Pariññeyya sense bases SN35.24 Paṭhama Pahāna unwholesome thoughts MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi, AN4.114 Nāga what isn’t yours MN22 Alagaddūpama abandoning spiritual path copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also disrobing ways of DN3:2.3.0 Ambaṭṭha Abhaya, prince copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asking about knowing and seeing SN46.56 Abhaya trying to trick the Buddha MN58 Abhayarājakumāra Abhibhū, disciple of Sikhī Buddha copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon visiting brahmā world SN6.14 Aruṇavatī voice spread through galaxy SN6.14 Aruṇavatī, AN3.80 Cūḷanikā abodes of beings copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also brahmā realm (brahmaloka);
ghost realm;
heavenly realms;
human birth
fully comprehending makes an end of suffering AN10.27 Paṭhama Mahāpañha nine AN9.24 Sattāvāsa, Kp4 Kumārapañhā
abyss copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon term for painful feelings SN36.4 Pātāla acceptance of a view after consideration (diṭṭhinijjhānakkhanti) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon can turn out two ways MN95 Caṅkī, MN101 Devadaha enlightenment beyond SN35.153 Atthinukhopariyāya knowing apart from SN12.68 Kosambi only grounds for view MN102 Pañcattaya acceptance of Dhamma after consideration (dhammanijjhānakhanti) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon leads to zeal MN70 Kīṭāgiri, MN95 Caṅkī accomplishment in concentration (samādhisampannā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon being satisfied with limited attainments MN29 Mahāsāropama, MN30 Cūḷasāropama criticizing others for lack of MN29 Mahāsāropama, MN30 Cūḷasāropama person who has is very helpful to associate with SN46.3 Sīla person who is attains liberation simile for person with wrong view going to hell MN12 Mahāsīhanāda prevents fear MN4 Bhayabherava accomplishment in diligence (appamādasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.54 Paṭhama Appamāda, SN45.89 Dutiya Appamāda accomplishment in enthusiasm (chandasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.51 Paṭhama Chanda, SN45.86 Dutiya Chanda accomplishment in faculties (indriyasampanna) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition SN35.154 Indriyasampanna accomplishment in freedom (vimuttisampannā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon person who has is very helpful to associate with SN46.3 Sīla accomplishment in generosity (cāgasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also recollection of generosity (cāgānussati) definition AN4.61 Pattakamma accomplishment in knowledge (ñāṇasampannā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon person who has is very helpful to associate with SN46.3 Sīla accomplishment in knowledge and vision of freedom (vimuttiñāṇadassanasampannā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon person who has is very helpful to associate with SN46.3 Sīla accomplishment in mind (cittasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition DN8:18.0 Mahāsīhanāda, AN3.117 Vipattisampadā leads to good rebirth like loaded dice AN3.118 Apaṇṇaka mortification useless without DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda accomplishment in proper attention (yonisomanasikārasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.55 Paṭhama Yoniso, SN45.90 Dutiya Yoniso accomplishment in self (attasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.52 Paṭhama Atta, SN45.87 Dutiya Atta accomplishment in view (diṭṭhisampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also right view (sammā diṭṭhi);
right view, person accomplished in (diṭṭhisampanna puggala);
stream-enterers (sotāpanna)
definition AN3.117 Vipattisampadā having reached certainty about the Buddha AN10.63 Niṭṭhaṅgata, AN10.64 Aveccappasanna leads to good rebirth like loaded dice AN3.118 Apaṇṇaka one who is SN12.27 Paccaya, SN12.33 Paṭhama Ñāṇavatthu one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.53 Paṭhama Diṭṭhi, SN45.88 Dutiya Diṭṭhi things given up AN6.90 Pahīṇa, AN6.91 Abhabba things someone who is cannot do MN115 Bahudhātuka, AN6.92 Paṭhama Abhabbaṭṭhāna, AN6.93 Dutiya Abhabbaṭṭhāna, AN6.94 Tatiya Abhabbaṭṭhāna, AN6.95 Catuttha Abhabbaṭṭhāna things that block AN6.89 Appahāya understands four noble truths SN56.36 Pāṇa
accomplishment in virtue (sīlasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also virtue (sīla) being satisfied with limited attainments MN29 Mahāsāropama, MN30 Cūḷasāropama benefits of DN16:1.24.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN5.213 Sīla criticizing others for lack of MN29 Mahāsāropama, MN30 Cūḷasāropama definition DN8:18.0 Mahāsīhanāda, MN53 Sekha, AN3.117 Vipattisampadā leads to good rebirth like loaded dice AN3.118 Apaṇṇaka like king who has defeated his enemies DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda mendicant with cannot decline AN4.37 Aparihāniya mortification useless without DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda one with will develop noble eightfold path SN45.50 Paṭhama Sīla, SN45.85 Dutiya Sīla person who has is very helpful to associate with SN46.3 Sīla person who is attains liberation simile for person with wrong view going to hell MN12 Mahāsīhanāda accomplishment in vision (dassanasampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon one who is SN12.27 Paccaya, SN12.33 Paṭhama Ñāṇavatthu accomplishment in wisdom (paññāsampadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition DN8:18.0 Mahāsīhanāda, AN4.61 Pattakamma mortification useless without DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda person who is attains liberation simile for person with wrong view going to hell MN12 Mahāsīhanāda prevents fear MN4 Bhayabherava accomplishments copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon ethics, immersion, wisdom, freedom, the knowledge and vision of freedom AN5.92 Dutiya Sampadā faith, ethics, generosity, wisdom AN8.49 Paṭhama Lokavijaya, AN8.54 Byagghapajja faith, ethics, learning, generosity, wisdom AN5.46 Pañcasampadā, AN5.91 Paṭhama Sampadā initiative, protection, good friendship, balanced finances, faith, ethics, generosity, wisdom AN8.75 Paṭhama Sampadā three types AN3.138 Sampadā accountants copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon gradual training of MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna accusations copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also admonishment;
false accusations
caused by protection DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna, AN9.23 Taṇhāmūlaka don’t end hatred Dhp3 not responding well to AN8.14 Khaluṅka preparing to make an accusation AN5.167 Codanā, AN10.44 Kusinārā responding to AN3.69 Akusalamūla wanting to be accused privately, by an equal MN5 Anaṅgaṇa
Aciravata, novice copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon conversation with Prince Jayasena MN125 Dantabhūmi acquisitions (upadhi) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also attachments cut off MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga happiness and AN2.66 letting go of all MN66 Laṭukikopama, AN10.60 Girimānanda memories and thoughts of MN66 Laṭukikopama root of suffering MN66 Laṭukikopama, MN105 Sunakkhatta snare SN4.20 Rajja, SN4.21 Sambahula source of delight and sorrow SN1.12 Nandati, SN4.8 Nandati acrobats copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for protecting oneself SN47.19 Sedaka actions 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also observances (samādāna) no result (wrong view) SN24.6 Karato ten types of MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, MN41 Sāleyyaka, AN10.171 Paṭhama Adhamma, AN10.172 Dutiya Adhamma, AN10.177 Jāṇussoṇī actions 2 (kamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also bad actions;
good actions;
heinous actions, five (ānantarika kamma);
merit (puñña);
past actions;
results of actions
actions, not birth defines a person Snp1.7 Vasala all are owner of their actions MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN5.57 Ṭhāna, AN5.161 Paṭhama Āghātapaṭivinaya as a relative (kammabandhu) Thag8.1 Mahā Kaccāyana as field AN3.76 Paṭhama Bhava being the owner of ones own MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN5.57 Ṭhāna, AN10.216 Saṁsappaniya pariyāya blameless Kp5 Maṅgala, Snp2.4 Maṅgala bright and dark MN57 Kukkuravatika, AN4.232 Saṁkhitta, AN4.235 Paṭhama Sikkhāpada bright and dark: definition AN4.233 Vitthāra, AN4.236 Dutiya Sikkhāpada, AN6.57 Chaḷābhijāti cannot escape results of AN10.217 Paṭhama Sañcetanika, AN10.218 Dutiya Sañcetanika, AN10.219 Karajakāya, Dhp127 cessation of SN35.146 Kamma definition AN6.63 Nibbedhika destiny SN1.57 Tatiya Janeti effective and ineffective, seeming to be MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga feelings resulting from MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga fourfold MN57 Kukkuravatika having effects MN60 Apaṇṇaka heir to one’s MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN10.48 Dasadhamma impure lead to fear MN4 Bhayabherava intention (cetana) AN6.63 Nibbedhika knowing actions as actions and results as results Thag6.8 Migajāla leading to end of actions MN57 Kukkuravatika living off the fruit of current actions AN4.134 Phalupajivīpuggala make the world go round MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha makes one a brahmin MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha most blameworthy MN56 Upāli neither bright nor dark MN57 Kukkuravatika, AN4.232 Saṁkhitta, AN4.235 Paṭhama Sikkhāpada neither bright nor dark: definition AN4.237 Ariyamagga Nigaṇṭha’s theory on MN56 Upāli, MN101 Devadaha not birth defines a person MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha obstructions to listening to Dhamma AN6.86 Āvaraṇa old and new actions SN35.146 Kamma ownership of MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN10.48 Dasadhamma path to the cessation of SN35.146 Kamma rebirth MN57 Kukkuravatika results and MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga results coming at different times MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga results following Dhp1 , Dhp2 reviewing before, during, and after MN61 Ambalaṭṭhikārāhulovāda specific results are inconceivable AN4.77 Acinteyya taken to next life SN3.20 Dutiya Aputtaka ten types of AN10.218 Dutiya Sañcetanika threefold MN56 Upāli to be experienced as pain MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita to be experienced as pleasure MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita to be experienced in future MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita to be experienced in present MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita to be experienced strongly MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita to be experienced weakly MN101 Devadaha, AN9.13 Mahākoṭṭhita
addicted practice (āgāḷhā paṭipadā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon nothing wrong with sense pleasures AN156-162 adept (asekha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see one beyond training (asekha) adhammika copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see unrighteous (adhammika) admonishment copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also accusations;
easy to admonish (suvaca);
enduring abuse;
hard to admonish (dovacassa);
monastic rules (vinaya);
offences against monastic rules (āpatti);
stubbornness (dovacassa)
and good friends AN7.37 Bhikkhumitta attacking the accuser MN15 Anumāna being difficult to MN8 Sallekha, MN65 Bhaddāli, AN2.62 Puggala 11, AN5.60 Dutiya Vuḍḍhapabbajita, AN6.115 Dovacassatā, AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava, AN8.14 Khaluṅka being difficult to (dovacassatā) MN15 Anumāna, AN2.94 , AN4.160 Sugatavinaya being difficult to leading to decline AN6.21 Sāmagāmaka being easy to (sovacassatā) AN2.62 Puggala 11, AN2.95 , AN4.160 Sugatavinaya, AN5.167 Codanā, AN6.69 Devatā, AN7.34 Paṭhama Sovacassatā, Kp5 Maṅgala, Snp2.4 Maṅgala elders feel confident admonishing and instructing one with good qualities AN10.18 Dutiya Nāthakaraṇa example of AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava for body and verbal misconduct AN10.23 Kāya gentle like protecting someone with one eye MN65 Bhaddāli giving but not accepting SN21.9 Tissa how to do skillfully MN103 Kinti, AN10.44 Kusinārā like guide to hidden treasure Dhp76 , Thag17.2 Sāriputta monastics being difficult to is cause for decline of Dhamma AN5.156 Tatiya Saddhammasammosa not wanting to be admonished AN2.62 Puggala 11 of Ven. Rāhula MN61 Ambalaṭṭhikārāhulovāda, MN62 Mahārāhulovāda person impossible to admonish MN103 Kinti preparing to make an accusation AN5.167 Codanā self reviewing AN2.15 Adhikaraṇa 5 some are admonished repeatedly, some not MN65 Bhaddāli who to give up on AN5.167 Codanā
adornments copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon lack of hinders beauty AN10.73 Iṭṭhadhamma nourish beauty AN10.73 Iṭṭhadhamma advice 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon for new monastics SN47.4 Sālā for sick monks SN36.7 Paṭhama Gelañña from mother Thig9.1 Vaḍḍhamātā mendicants should train in good SN2.1 Paṭhama Kassapa people who don’t take well AN3.25 Vajirūpama advice 2 (ovāda) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon decline when there are none to advise SN16.7 Dutiya Ovāda in brief (saṅkhittena) MN145 Puṇṇovāda, SN35.88 Puṇṇa qualities of advisor of bhikkhunīs AN8.52 Bhikkhunovādaka, AN8.90 Tassapāpiyyasikā sammāvattana to bhikkhunīs from bhikkhus AN8.51 Gotamī adze handle copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for gradual progress SN22.101 Vāsijaṭopama, AN7.71 Bhāvanānuyutta aeon copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see eon (kappa) against the stream 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Dhamma as Snp3.12 Dvayatānupassanā against the stream 2 (paṭisota) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Dhamma goes MN26 Ariyapariyesanā not taking part in sense pleasures or bad deeds AN4.5 Anusota renunciation Iti109 Nadīsota agency copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon do beings have MN60 Apaṇṇaka aggañña copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see world, the aggravated misconduct (tassapāpiyasikā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon rules for monk convicted of AN8.90 Tassapāpiyyasikā sammāvattana aggregate of concentration (samādhikkhandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in recipient of gift SN3.24 Issattha not taken away by someone else’s death SN47.13 Cunda parts of eightfold path MN44 Cūḷavedalla aggregate of knowledge and vision of liberation (vimuttiñāṇadassanakkhandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in recipient of gift SN3.24 Issattha not taken away by someone else’s death SN47.13 Cunda aggregate of liberation (vimuttikkhandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in recipient of gift SN3.24 Issattha not taken away by someone else’s death SN47.13 Cunda aggregate of virtue (sīlakkhandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in recipient of gift SN3.24 Issattha not taken away by someone else’s death SN47.13 Cunda parts of eightfold path MN44 Cūḷavedalla aggregate of wisdom (paññākkhandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in recipient of gift SN3.24 Issattha not taken away by someone else’s death SN47.13 Cunda parts of eightfold path MN44 Cūḷavedalla aggregates 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon SN 22 Khandha Saṁyutta ‘This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self.’ SN18.21 Mānānusaya arising of is suffering SN22.30 Uppāda arising, vanishing, change SN22.37 Paṭhama Ānanda, SN22.38 Dutiya Ānanda as impermanent, suffering, not self MN35 Cūḷasaccaka as self MN35 Cūḷasaccaka, SN22.1 Nakulapitu, SN22.81 Pārileyyaka as suffering SN26.10 Khandha burning SN22.61 Āditta burning coals SN22.136 Kukkuḷa clinging to makes one a being (satta) SN23.2 Satta complete understanding of SN23.4 Pariññeyya craving for is conduit to becoming SN23.3 Bhavanetti decaying leads to suffering SN22.1 Nakulapitu, SN22.2 Devadaha delight in SN44.6 Ārāma dependent origination SN22.4 Dutiya Hāliddikāni disillusionment SN22.59 Pañcavaggiya giving up desire and lust for SN22.2 Devadaha, SN23.9 Paṭhama Chandarāga gratification, danger, escape SN22.57 Sattaṭṭhāna home for consciousness SN22.3 Paṭhama Hāliddikāni homeless metaphor SN22.3 Paṭhama Hāliddikāni identity view SN41.3 Dutiya Isidatta impermanent SN18.10 Khandha, SN22.45 Paṭhama Aniccatā like grasping plants on river bank SN22.93 Nadi like lump of foam, bubble, etc. SN22.95 Pheṇapiṇḍūpama like sandcastles SN23.2 Satta Māra SN23.1 Māra not exclusively painful SN22.60 Mahāli not exclusively pleasurable SN22.60 Mahāli not like king controlling kingdom MN35 Cūḷasaccaka not-self SN22.59 Pañcavaggiya past, future, present SN22.59 Pañcavaggiya permanent does not exist SN22.94 Puppha seeing rightly SN23.1 Māra should be completely understood SN22.106 Pariññeyya taking pleasure in, pleasure in suffering SN22.29 Abhinandanaṁ Tathāgata not found in SN44.2 Anurādha understanding and stream-entry, etc. SN25.10 Khandha Vipassī Buddha DN14:2.18.0 Mahāpadāna aggregates 2 (khandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also aggregates of clinging (pañcupādānakkhandhā) as five things Kp4 Kumārapañhā as not self MN22 Alagaddūpama, MN109 Mahāpuṇṇama, SN22.82 Puṇṇamā as powerless, fading away, unreliable MN112 Chabbisodhana as self MN131 Bhaddekaratta as suffering DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN141 Saccavibhaṅga, Dhp202 compared to aggregates of clinging SN22.48 Khandha contemplation of and awakening factors SN46.30 Udayī cut off by the Buddha MN72 Aggivacchagotta definition MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama definition of birth DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, MN141 Saccavibhaṅga definition of death DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, MN141 Saccavibhaṅga dependently arisen MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama desire for future MN109 Mahāpuṇṇama, SN22.82 Puṇṇamā develop bases of psychic power to give up AN9.76 Upādānakkhandha sammappadhāna develop foundations of mindfulness to give up AN9.66 Upādānakkhandha satipaṭṭhāna develop right effort to give up AN9.76 Upādānakkhandha sammappadhāna fully comprehending makes an end of suffering AN10.27 Paṭhama Mahāpañha future MN131 Bhaddekaratta giving up conceit “I am” MN122 Mahāsuññata giving up desire for is end of suffering MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama giving up desire for when vision arises MN75 Māgandiya grasping and MN44 Cūḷavedalla grasping is origin of suffering MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama grasping, different kinds of MN109 Mahāpuṇṇama, SN22.82 Puṇṇamā identity MN44 Cūḷavedalla impermanence of causing anxiety MN138 Uddesavibhaṅga investigating the mind to see if they are clung to MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi jhāna and contemplation of AN9.36 Jhānanissaya like chopping block SN5.1 Āḷavikā, Thig3.7 Selā, Thig6.3 Khemā like enemies SN35.238 Āsivisopama like seedling SN5.9 Selā like tortoise MN23 Vammika noble eightfold path to give up SN45.178 Upādānakkhandha not grasping MN143 Anāthapiṇḍikovāda not yours MN22 Alagaddūpama observing rise and fall leads to wisdom AN8.2 Ādibrahmacariyapaññā origin and ending MN72 Aggivacchagotta, SN46.30 Udayī past MN131 Bhaddekaratta perception of impermanence AN10.60 Girimānanda regarding as self MN138 Uddesavibhaṅga remaining after enlightenment Thag1.90 Sāmidatta rooted in desire MN109 Mahāpuṇṇama, SN22.82 Puṇṇamā scope of MN109 Mahāpuṇṇama, SN22.82 Puṇṇamā seeing as self AN4.200 Pemadosa seeing rise and fall of AN4.41 Samādhibhāvanā, AN4.90 Samaṇamacala khandha, AN5.30 Nāgita testing the claim someone is an arahant MN112 Chabbisodhana understanding of arising and passing away DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna understanding origin and ending SN35.244 Dukkhadhamma understood by direct knowledge SN45.159 Āgantuka, AN4.254 Abhiññā aggregates of clinging (pañcupādānakkhandhā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also aggregates (khandha) as impermanent, suffering, diseased, boil, etc. SN22.122 Sīlavanta burden SN22.22 Bhāra compared to aggregates SN22.48 Khandha gratification, danger, escape SN23.5 Paṭhama Samaṇa like a killer SN22.85 Yamaka origin and ending SN23.6 Dutiya Samaṇa regarding as self, etc. SN22.89 Khemaka regarding things as self SN22.47 Samanupassanā suffering SN22.104 Dukkha, SN56.13 Khandha truly understanding SN22.56 Upādāna aggression (sārambha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon arises because of sense pleasures and perceptions MN106 Āneñjasappāya corruption of the mind (cittassa upakkilesa) MN7 Vatthūpama dispelling SN7.16 Paccanīka practice for giving up MN3 Dhammadāyāda aging copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see old age (jarā) agitation (avūpasama) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause for restlessness and remorse SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra air copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon attachment to MN49 Brahmanimantanika meditating dependent on AN11.9 Sandha meditation like MN62 Mahārāhulovāda not horrified, repelled, and disgusted because of unclean things MN62 Mahārāhulovāda perception of AN11.7 Paṭhama Saññā, AN11.18 Paṭhama Samādhi air element (vāyo dhātu) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also elements (dhātu) definition MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama, MN62 Mahārāhulovāda, MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga in tree trunk AN6.41 Dārukkhandha internal and external MN62 Mahārāhulovāda, MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga perceiving, directly knowing, etc. MN1 Mūlapariyāya right understanding and MN62 Mahārāhulovāda “This is not mine” AN4.177 Rāhula vanishes MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama Ajātasattu copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon attending on Devadatta SN17.36 Pañcarathasata battle with king Pasenadi SN3.14 Paṭhama Saṅgāma, SN3.15 Dutiya Saṅgāma confesses killing father DN2:99.0 Sāmaññaphala fruits of the ascetic life DN2:1.0 Sāmaññaphala praising the Buddha AN4.188 Upaka thinking of his son DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala wanting to invade Vajjis DN16 Mahāparinibbāna, AN7.22 Vassakāra Ajita Kesakambala copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon disrespect towards MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi views of DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala ājīvakas copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon glorifying themselves MN76 Sandaka going to hell AN5.293 Ājīvaka rebirth in heaven MN71 Tevijjavacchagotta Āḷāra Kālāma copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon meditating despite noise DN16:4.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna teaching Bodhisatta MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN36 Mahāsaccaka Āḷavaka, yakkha copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon with Buddha SN10.12 Āḷavaka Āḷavikā, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon with Māra SN5.1 Āḷavikā alcohol copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also intoxicants abstaining from is a blessing Kp5 Maṅgala, Snp2.4 Maṅgala cause of losing wealth AN4.258 Kula causing downfall Snp1.6 Parābhava causing rebirth in hell AN5.145 Niraya corruption of monastics AN4.50 Upakkilesa desire for is never satisfied AN3.108 Atitti one who drank becoming stream-enterer SN55.24 Paṭhama Sarakāni people who refrain from are few SN56.64 Surāmeraya ten precepts Kp2 Dasasikkhāpada alcoholics copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon putting in charge Snp1.6 Parābhava “all”, the (sabba) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition SN35.23 Sabba ending suffering by knowing Iti7 Sabbapariññā perceiving, directly knowing, etc. MN1 Mūlapariyāya alms bowls copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also bowls giving up gold for clay Thag16.7 Bhaddiya Māra pretends to break SN4.15 Mānasa turning upside down, reason for AN8.87 Pattanikkujjana alms gathering practice copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon at night MN66 Laṭukikopama at proper times Snp2.14 Dhammika difficult SN22.80 Piṇḍolya, Iti91 Jīvika eating only almsfood MN86 Aṅgulimāla examining the mind while doing MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi humility Thag10.6 Upasena logistics MN31 Cūḷagosiṅga, MN128 Upakkilesa meditating after MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama, MN51 Kandaraka on elephant Thag2.39 Usabha seeking in suitable places SN47.46 Pātimokkha, AN3.89 Paṭhama Sikkhattaya seeking in unsuitable places AN5.102 Saṅkita simile of bee and flower Dhp49 Ven. Moggallāna praising Thag20.1 Mahā Moggallāna wanting to go first MN5 Anaṅgaṇa who to go on alms round with AN5.112 Pacchāsamaṇa almsfood copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also alms gathering practice;
giving (dāna);
requisites, four
allowable and unallowable MN55 Jīvaka attachment to MN55 Jīvaka blameless MN55 Jīvaka, SN28.10 Sūcimukhī contentment with MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, AN8.30 Anuruddha danger of receiving AN7.72 Aggikkhandhopama delicious not a hindrance MN7 Vatthūpama for sake of popularity Ud3.8 Piṇḍapātika free from debt Thig1.2 Muttā from the poor Ud1.6 Mahākassapa, Ud3.7 Sakkudāna, Ud4.3 Gopālaka giving poor AN9.20 Velāma helping to increase skillfulness AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha meat AN8.12 Sīhasenāpati most beneficial DN16:4.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna, DN16:4.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna, Ud8.5 Cunda of other sects AN3.93 Paviveka offering never leads to ruin of families SN42.9 Kula one who eats only MN32 Mahāgosiṅga only eating almsfood collected house to house MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi purification of MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi reflection on using MN2 Sabbāsava, MN39 Mahā-Assapura, AN4.159 Bhikkhunī, AN6.58 Āsava sought in suitable places MN6 Ākaṅkheyya, AN10.71 Ākaṅkheyya to associate with AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha wanting the best MN5 Anaṅgaṇa
aloofness (asaṁsagga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also detachment cut off by being SN14.16 Sagātha praise for person with who talks about AN10.70 Dutiya Kathāvatthu speech about AN10.69 Paṭhama Kathāvatthu amata copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see deathless (amata) Ambapālī copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon inviting Buddha to a meal DN16:2.14.0 Mahāparinibbāna offering Mango Grove DN16:2.14.0 Mahāparinibbāna Ambaṭṭha, brahmin copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon student of Pokkharasāti DN3:1.3.0 Ambaṭṭha ambition copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon unrealistic Snp1.6 Parābhava amputated hands and feet copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for constant knowledge and vision MN76 Sandaka analytical knowledge (paṭisambhidā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon as result of merit Kp8 Nidhikaṇḍa from the arising of the Buddha AN1.176 of Mahā Moggallāna AN4.172 Sāriputtapaṭisambhidā penetrating the unshakeable AN5.95 Paṭhama Akuppa qualities that will lead to AN7.38 Paṭhama Paṭisambhidā senior monastics AN5.86 Paṭisambhidā will never run out of things to say AN4.140 Vādī Ānanda, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon advocating for ordination of bhikkhunīs AN8.51 Gotamī and disciplinary issue AN4.243 Saṅghabhedaka are there any mendicants like the Buddha MN108 Gopakamoggallāna asking about cetovimutti and paññāvimutti AN3.32 Ānanda asking about emptiness MN121 Cūḷasuññata asking about getting to hear the Dhamma AN6.51 Ānanda asking questions before Buddha’s passing DN16:5.9.0 Mahāparinibbāna associating with monks of great learning SN14.15 Caṅkama best sight, etc. AN5.170 Bhaddaji blamed by Buddha DN16:3.38.0 Mahāparinibbāna Buddha predicts will become an arahant in this life AN3.80 Cūḷanikā Buddha’s passing away, verse DN16:6.8.0 Mahāparinibbāna called a boy by Ven. Mahā Kassapa SN16.11 Cīvara commenting on Buddha’s body SN48.41 Jarā crying because only stream enterer DN16:5.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna declared to be a trainee by the Buddha AN3.78 Sīlabbata dependent origination is plain as can be DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna, SN12.60 Nidāna (paṭiccasamuppāda) discussion on knowing for oneself SN12.68 Kosambi discussion with Ven. Mahā Koṭṭhita AN4.174 Ānanda discussion with wander Sandaka MN76 Sandaka encouraged by deva SN9.5 Ānanda explaining a brief statement of the Buddha AN10.115 Tatiya Adhamma explaining brief statement SN35.116 Lokantagamana, SN35.117 Kāmaguṇa explaining confinement AN9.42 Sambādha explaining noisy monks to Buddha MN67 Cātumā, Ud3.3 Yasoja for Girimānanda AN10.60 Girimānanda foremost as personal attendant AN1.223 foremost of very learned AN1.219 foremost who are resolute AN1.222 foremost with good memory AN1.220 foremost with quick grasp AN1.221 grief at Ven. Sāriputta’s death SN47.13 Cunda half the spiritual life SN3.18 Kalyāṇamitta, SN45.2 Upaḍḍha incredible and amazing qualities AN4.129 Ānandācchariya, AN4.130 Cakkavattiacchariya interrogating a brahmin about beneficial practice AN3.60 Saṅgārava listening to a sermon by the Buddha MN68 Naḷakapāna massaging Buddha’s limbs SN48.41 Jarā not asking Buddha to continue to live SN51.10 Cetiya, AN8.70 Bhumicāla not getting Buddha’s hint DN16:3.1.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN51.10 Cetiya not the spiritual path, definition SN45.18 Paṭhama Kukkuṭārāma on the trainee MN53 Sekha parinibbāna of Buddha SN6.15 Parinibbāna perceptions AN10.6 Samādhi, AN11.7 Paṭhama Saññā pupil behaving badly SN16.6 Paṭhama Ovāda pupils disrobing SN16.11 Cīvara qualities DN16:5.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna quick-witted AN5.169 Khippanisanti removing desire with desire SN51.15 Uṇṇābhabrāhmaṇa reporting Nigaṇṭha Nāṭaputta’s death MN104 Sāmagāma speaking from faith about other monks attainments AN4.76 Kusinārā teaching Anāthapiṇḍika SN55.27 Dutiya Anāthapiṇḍika teaching eleven practices that lead to enlightenment MN52 Aṭṭhakanāgara, AN11.16 Aṭṭhakanāgara teaching King Pasenadi MN88 Bāhitika teaching laypeople too much SN9.5 Ānanda teaching Ven. Channa SN22.90 Channa the spiritual path, definition SN45.19 Dutiya Kukkuṭārāma unwholesome roots AN3.71 Channa upset when Buddha was sick DN16:2.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN47.9 Gilāna Ven. Puṇṇa Mantāṇiputta was very helpful SN22.83 Ānanda views AN10.96 Kokanada visiting bhikkhunīs with Ven. Mahā Kassapa SN16.10 Bhikkhunūupassaya visits a bhikkhunī AN4.159 Bhikkhunī visits bhikkhunīs SN47.10 Bhikkhunūpassaya vital conditions AN10.5 Tatiya Upanisa what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park MN32 Mahāgosiṅga will all attain enlightenment? AN10.95 Uttiya ānantarika kamma copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see heinous actions, five (ānantarika kamma) ānāpānassati copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānassati) Anāthapiṇḍika, householder copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon appropriate lay practice AN4.60 Gihīsāmīcipaṭipadā as deva praising Jeta’s grove and Ven. Sāriputta SN1.48 Jetavana daughter-in-law AN7.63 Sattabhariyā encouraged by yakkha SN10.8 Sudatta factors of stream-entry SN12.41 Paṭhama Pañcabhayavera, SN55.28 Duvera, AN9.27 Paṭhama Verabhaya, AN10.92 Bhaya foremost as a donor AN1.249 meeting Buddha for first time SN10.8 Sudatta not being able to give much AN9.20 Velāma precepts AN5.174 Vera reasons to get rich AN5.41 Pañcabhoga ādiya reborn in Tusita heaven MN143 Anāthapiṇḍikovāda requesting deep teachings for householders MN143 Anāthapiṇḍikovāda results of giving AN4.58 Sudatta sick MN143 Anāthapiṇḍikovāda, SN55.26 Paṭhama Anāthapiṇḍika, SN55.27 Dutiya Anāthapiṇḍika things likeable and hard to get AN4.61 Pattakamma told giving is not enough AN5.176 Pīti visiting wanderers of other sects AN10.93 Kiṁdiṭṭhika anger 1 (kodha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also aggression (sārambha);
anger, giving up (kodha);
angry (kupita);
enduring abuse;
irritability (kodhana);
Dhp Chapter 17 anger eating yakkha SN11.22 Dubbaṇṇiya anger making others angry AN7.64 Kodhana arahant is free from Snp1.1 Uraga cause of bad sleep AN7.64 Kodhana cause of disputes MN104 Sāmagāma cause of getting opposite of what one needs AN7.64 Kodhana cause of losing fame AN7.64 Kodhana cause of losing wealth AN7.64 Kodhana cause of ugliness MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN7.64 Kodhana causes killing mother AN7.64 Kodhana causes loss of friends AN7.64 Kodhana causing suicide AN7.64 Kodhana danger to monastic life MN67 Cātumā, AN4.122 Udakorohabhaya decline SN16.7 Dutiya Ovāda definition MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga difficult to admonish MN15 Anumāna give up by seeing with wisdom AN10.23 Kāya giving up guarantees non-return Iti4 Kodha keep in check Dhp222 , Thag6.12 Brahmadatta leads to hell MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga like a frog MN23 Vammika like cliff SN22.84 Tissa like danger of waves MN67 Cātumā, AN4.122 Udakorohabhaya like lines AN3.132 Lekha like mountain crushing bad people SN11.24 Accaya, SN11.25 Akkodha like venom AN4.110 Āsivisa, Snp1.1 Uraga like waves Iti109 Nadīsota not responding to anger with anger AN4.164 Paṭipadā 4 overcoming Dhp223 person not often angry AN3.132 Lekha, AN4.110 Āsivisa person often angry and doesn’t stay long AN3.132 Lekha, AN4.110 Āsivisa person often angry and stays long AN3.132 Lekha, AN4.110 Āsivisa poisoned tip, honey root SN1.71 Chetvā, SN2.3 Māgha, SN7.1 Dhanañjānī, SN11.21 Chetvā practice for giving up MN3 Dhammadāyāda rebirth in bad destination AN7.64 Kodhana remove with simile of the saw Thag6.12 Brahmadatta removing SN11.11 Paṭhama Sattavatapada, SN11.12 Dutiya Sattavatapada, SN11.22 Dubbaṇṇiya, Snp1.1 Uraga result of in future lives AN4.197 Mallikā rusty sword SN1.77 Issara self-examination for AN10.51 Sacitta should be killed SN1.71 Chetvā, SN2.3 Māgha, SN7.1 Dhanañjānī, SN11.21 Chetvā sign of decline AN10.67 Paṭhama Lakapāna simile of charioteer Dhp222 towards angry person SN7.2 Akkosa, SN11.4 Vepacitti, SN11.5 Subhāsitajaya valuing more than the true Dhamma AN4.43 Paṭhama Kodhagaru, AN4.44 Dutiya Kodhagaru, AN4.84 Kodhagaru without giving up, cannot become arahant AN9.62 Arahattā bhabbābhabbadhamma
anger 2 (kopa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon holding wrong views out of DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi not showing on the outside MN21 Kakacūpama reason for SN42.1 Caṇḍagāmaṇī anger, giving up (kodha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon by giving up thoughts of lay life MN21 Kakacūpama by not being angry MN54 Potaliya cause of beauty MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga definition MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga leads to heaven MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga overcoming MN8 Sallekha purpose of spiritual life SN21.9 Tissa angry (kupita) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also anger (kodha) overcoming SN7.3 Asurindaka when friends are criticized MN21 Kakacūpama with spiritual companions MN16 Cetokhila Aṅgulimāla, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon going forth MN86 Aṅgulimāla animal realm copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon better than hell MN97 Dhānañjāni cause for rebirth in AN10.176 Cunda dying as human and reborn as animal are many SN56.103 Dutiya Manussacuti exempt from AN9.12 Sopādisesa gluttony as cause for rebirth in MN129 Bālapaṇḍita hiding misdeeds leads to AN2.26 Bāla 6 like sewer MN12 Mahāsīhanāda lost opportunity if born in hell when Buddha is alive AN8.29 Akkhaṇa merit sharing with beings in AN10.177 Jāṇussoṇī no other order so diversified SN22.100 Dutiya Gaddulabaddha rebirth in MN57 Kukkuravatika rebirth in like being in prison AN6.45 Iṇa result of tie to gratification of sense SN35.235 Ādittapariyāya suffering in MN129 Bālapaṇḍita wrong view leads to AN2.27 Bāla 7 animals copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also bull (usabha);
tortoises (kumma);
vipers (āsīvisa)
avoiding to remove taints MN2 Sabbāsava, AN6.58 Āsava creeping AN10.216 Saṁsappaniya pariyāya dead body of, simile for disgust with unwholesome MN20 Vitakkasaṇṭhāna four footed, simile for incomplete spiritual development AN9.4 Nandaka gifts to MN142 Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga in the ocean are more numerous SN56.36 Pāṇa liable to rebirth, old age, sickness, etc. MN26 Ariyapariyesanā listening to Dhamma Vv51 Maṇḍūkadevaputta not accepting as offering DN1: Brahmajāla, DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama, MN51 Kandaraka not deceptive like humans MN51 Kandaraka not frightening sage SN4.6 Sappa people who refrain from accepting are few SN56.88 Ajeḷaka, SN56.89 Kukkuṭasūkara sacrifice of DN5 Kūṭadanta
animosities (vera) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see hatred (vera) añjali copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see greeting with cupped hands (añjalikamma) Aññā Koṇḍañña, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon attains stream-entry SN56.11 Dhammacakkappavattana foremost in seniority AN1.188 praise of Thag21.1 Vaṅgīsa Ven. Vaṅgīsa’s praise of SN8.9 Koṇḍañña annihilationism 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Ven. Sāriputta refutes SN22.85 Yamaka annihilationism 2 (ucchedavāda) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Ajita Kesakambala DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala Buddha not siding with SN44.10 Ānanda (Atthatta) how Buddha teaches AN8.11 Verañja, AN8.12 Sīhasenāpati negating the spiritual path MN76 Sandaka refuted by the Buddha DN1: Brahmajāla, MN102 Pañcattaya suffering made by another SN12.17 Acelakassapa annihilationist (venayika) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon who refuses definite statements AN10.94 Vajjiyamāhita annoyances copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon not bothered by Thag2.36 Khitaka Anotatta lake copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon gathering water from Thag6.10 Sumana answering questions copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see questions, answering ant-hill copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for body MN23 Vammika anumodati copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see appreciating (anumodati) Anurādha, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon answering wanderers’ question SN22.86 Anurādha Anuruddha, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon SN 52 Anuruddha Saṁyutta asks about women’s rebirth AN3.129 Paṭhama Anuruddha associating with monks who have divine eye SN14.15 Caṅkama Buddha’s passing away, verse DN16:6.8.0 Mahāparinibbāna enlightenment AN3.130 Dutiya Anuruddha foremost with divine eye AN1.192 former wife SN9.6 Anuruddha foundations of mindfulness SN52.1 Paṭhama Rahogata great direct knowledge SN47.28 Loka ill SN52.10 Gilāna limitless release of the heart, the expansive release of the heart MN127 Anuruddha living with Ven. Nandiya and Kimbila MN31 Cūḷagosiṅga, MN128 Upakkilesa not involved with disciplinary issues AN4.243 Saṅghabhedaka observing rains residence AN8.30 Anuruddha parinibbāna of Buddha SN6.15 Parinibbāna pupil behaving badly SN16.6 Paṭhama Ovāda questioned about satisfaction with the holy life MN68 Naḷakapāna seeing women born in heaven SN37.15 Akkodhana seeing women born in hell SN37.5 Kodhana thoughts of a great man (mahāpurisavitakka) AN8.30 Anuruddha undeclared points SN44.2 Anurādha visited by devas AN8.46 Anuruddhamanāpakāyika visiting brahmā world SN6.5 Aparādiṭṭhi what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park MN32 Mahāgosiṅga anxiety (paritassanā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon because of grasping at aggregates as self MN22 Alagaddūpama, MN138 Uddesavibhaṅga, SN22.7 Paṭhama Upādāparitassanā, SN22.90 Channa removing through not grasping DN15:27.0 Mahānidāna, MN37 Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhaya, SN12.51 Parivīmaṁsana apologizing copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see asking forgiveness appamāda copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see heedfulness (appamāda) application of mind (manasikāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see attention (manasikāra) applied and sustained thought (vitakkavicārā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon as block to jhāna progress AN9.41 Tapussagahapati ceases in second jhāna AN9.31 Anupubbanirodha, AN9.33 Anupubbavihārasamāpatti foundations of mindfulness SN47.10 Bhikkhunūpassaya happiness, sadness, equanimity DN21:1.8.0 Sakkapañha path to unconditioned SN43.3 Savitakkasavicāra possible to stop SN41.8 Nigaṇṭha thorn for second jhāna AN10.72 Kaṇṭaka verbal formation SN41.6 Dutiya Kāmabhu appreciating (anumodati) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon after meal DN16:1.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN91 Brahmāyu, MN92 Sela, Ud8.6 Pāṭaligāmiya, Snp3.7 Sela wanting to be the one who gives MN5 Anaṅgaṇa approaching (upasaṅkami) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon inspires the Buddha to teach AN8.82 Puṇṇiya, AN10.83 Puṇṇiya approval 1 (ruci) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see preference (ruci) approval 2 (samanuñña) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of good or bad deeds AN10.223 Tatiya apsara copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see nymphs (accharā) arahants copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also arahantship;
child arahants;
stages of enlightenment
aggregates, not grasping SN22.110 Arahanta all awaken to four noble truths SN56.24 Arahanta attaining enlightenment in this life AN10.63 Niṭṭhaṅgata, AN10.64 Aveccappasanna becoming while a layperson Thag1.117 Yasa benefiting the world Iti84 Bahujanahita best of all beings SN22.77 Dutiya Arahanta Buddha declaring someone has attained MN68 Naḷakapāna cannot become without abandoning certain factors AN6.66 Arahattaphala, AN9.62 Arahattā bhabbābhabbadhamma cannot do MN76 Sandaka, AN9.7 Sutavāparibbājaka, AN9.8 Sajjhaparibbājaka cannot reject training AN9.8 Sajjhaparibbājaka cannot reject triple gem AN9.8 Sajjhaparibbājaka completely understands aggregates SN23.4 Pariññeyya, SN23.8 Arahanta continue to practice meditation, mindfulness, situational awareness MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna days pass peacefully Thag1.16 Bellaṭṭhisīsa definition MN35 Cūḷasaccaka, AN7.61 Pacalāyana description MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha difficult for laypeople to recognize AN6.59 Dārukammika directly knowing elements, etc. MN1 Mūlapariyāya dwellings of AN10.20 Dutiya Ariyavāsa envied by gods Dhp94 , Ud3.7 Sakkudāna, Ud3.8 Piṇḍapātika equanimity towards senses AN4.195 Vappa existing after death Snp5.7 Upasīvamāṇavapucchā faculties of pleasure, pain, happiness, sadness, equanimity SN48.33 Arahanta fewer than non-returners SN55.52 Vassaṁvuttha five spiritual faculties, truly understanding SN48.5 Dutiya Arahanta follow eight precepts as long as they live AN8.41 Saṅkhitta aṭṭhaṅguposatha, AN8.43 Visākhūposatha, AN9.18 Navaṅguposatha fruit of monastic life SN45.35 Paṭhama Sāmañña fruit of spiritual path SN45.39 Paṭhama Brahmacariya how to become MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN91 Brahmāyu imitating on uposatha AN8.41 Saṅkhitta aṭṭhaṅguposatha, AN8.43 Visākhūposatha, AN9.18 Navaṅguposatha incapable of negligence MN70 Kīṭāgiri interacting with the world AN4.195 Vappa killing MN115 Bahudhātuka laypeople SN55.54 Gilāna life after attainment MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna, AN6.55 Soṇa like a flame blown out AN3.90 Dutiya Sikkhattaya, Snp5.7 Upasīvamāṇavapucchā like a person in water who rises up, crosses over, gone beyond AN7.15 Udakūpamapuggala like a rock Ud4.4 Yakkhapahāra like brahmin standing on far shore SN35.238 Āsivisopama like bulls, leaders of the herd MN34 Cūḷagopālaka like clear lake Dhp95 like earth is undisturbed Dhp95 like fields Pv1 Khettūpama like mountain Ud3.4 Sāriputta like mountain unshaken AN6.55 Soṇa like path of bird is hard to trace Dhp92 , Dhp93 like post is steady Dhp95 like shadow of pillar completely destroyed AN4.195 Vappa loving seclusion and renunciation AN8.28 Khīṇāsavabala, AN10.90 Khīṇāsavabala meditate on four foundations of mindfulness SN47.4 Sālā meditation different from trainee SN54.12 Kaṅkheyya meditation on mindfulness of breathing SN54.11 Icchānaṅgala neither give up nor accumulate SN22.79 Khajjanīya not exempt from old age and death SN3.3 Rāja not mortifying self or other MN51 Kandaraka nothing more to do MN70 Kīṭāgiri, AN6.55 Soṇa paths to becoming arahant AN4.170 Arahattappatti powers of AN8.28 Khīṇāsavabala praised by gods Iti82 Devasadda, Thag1.38 Gavampati, Thag18.1 Mahā Kassapa protecting leads to growth DN16:1.4.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN7.21 Sārandada, AN7.22 Vassakāra qualities of AN11.9 Sandha regarding aggregates as not-self does not make one a SN22.89 Khemaka residence of Dhp98 , Dhp99 , Thag17.2 Sāriputta sense faculties, truly understanding SN48.27 Arahanta should apply their minds to SN22.122 Sīlavanta, SN22.123 Sutavanta simile for SN41.5 Paṭhama Kāmabhu simile of snake skin Snp1.1 Uraga testing the claim someone is an arahant MN112 Chabbisodhana untangled the tangle SN1.23 Jaṭā, SN7.6 Jaṭā using the word “I” and “me” skillfully SN1.25 Arahanta with nothing left over (anupādisesa) Iti44 Nibbānadhātu with something left over (saupādisesā) Iti44 Nibbānadhātu without psychic powers Ud4.4 Yakkhapahāra worthy of gifts AN10.97 Āhuneyya worthy of stupa DN16:5.12.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN4.247 Thūpāraha
arahantship copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha declaring of people SN44.9 Kutuhalasālā definition SN38.2 Arahatta factors that lead to; association with true persons, etc. SN55.58 Catuttha Phala path for attaining SN38.2 Arahatta qualities that prevent AN6.76 Arahatta won’t take long for one who practices in line with Dhamma SN38.16 Dukkara Araka, teacher copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon shortness of life AN7.73 Sunetta teaching rebirth in Brahma realm AN7.74 Araka archers copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon choosing, simile for where to give SN3.24 Issattha gradual training of MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna not frightening a monk SN8.1 Nikkhanta simile for Buddha’s wisdom MN12 Mahāsīhanāda simile for quickness of life force ending SN20.6 Dhanuggaha simile of gradual training AN9.36 Jhānanissaya arguments copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see disputes arising, vanishing, and change (uppādo, vayo, aññathatta) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also change (aññathatta) aggregates SN22.37 Paṭhama Ānanda, SN22.38 Dutiya Ānanda characteristics of conditioned AN3.47 Saṅkhatalakkhaṇa aristocrats copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see khattiyas Ariṭṭha, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon mindfulness of breathing in brief SN54.6 Ariṭṭha obstructions are not really obstructions MN22 Alagaddūpama armies copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cannot overcome old age and death SN3.25 Pabbatūpama disputes over sense pleasures MN13 Mahādukkhakkhandha, MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha entering lotus stalk SN56.41 Cintā of death, overcome SN5.3 Gotamī simile for energy AN7.67 Nagarūpama useless speech about AN10.69 Paṭhama Kathāvatthu arousing energy copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see energy, stirring up (vīriyārambha) arrogance 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon because of body Thig5.2 Vimalā because of high family, fame, etc. MN113 Sappurisa because of learning Thag17.3 Ānanda because of mortification DN25:7.0 Udumbarikasīhanāda results of Pv42 Rājaputta arrogance 2 (thaddha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also conceit of superiority (atimāna) cause of low birth MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga definition MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga leads to hell MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga overcoming MN8 Sallekha practice for giving up MN3 Dhammadāyāda son SN7.15 Mānatthaddha arrows copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also darts (salla) not frightening sage SN4.6 Sappa poisoned, simile for gain and honor SN17.7 Diddhavisalla shot through keyhole SN56.45 Vāla simile for association with bad people Iti76 Sukhapatthanā simile for bad people Dhp304 simile of person struck by MN63 Cūḷamāluṅkya, MN101 Devadaha, MN105 Sunakkhatta unable to shoot DN3:1.3.0 Ambaṭṭha arrowsmiths copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for self-taming MN86 Aṅgulimāla, Dhp80 , Dhp145 , Thag1.19 Kuṇdala, Thag16.8 Aṅgulimāla simile of not heating arrow after is is straight MN101 Devadaha Aruṇavā, king copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in time of Sikhī Buddha SN6.14 Aruṇavatī “as before, so after” etc. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon bases of psychic power SN51.12 Mahapphala, SN51.14 Moggallāna, SN51.20 Vibhaṅga Buddha, the SN51.32 Tathāgata Ven. Moggallāna SN51.31 Moggallāna “as below, so above” etc. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon bases of psychic power SN51.20 Vibhaṅga Buddha, the SN51.32 Tathāgata Ven. Moggallāna SN51.31 Moggallāna “as by day, so by night” copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon bases of psychic power SN51.20 Vibhaṅga Buddha, the SN51.32 Tathāgata Ven. Moggallāna SN51.31 Moggallāna āsava copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see taints (āsava) ascetic practices 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon for the sake of future generations SN16.5 Jiṇṇa jhāna Thag16.7 Bhaddiya leads to hell MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādāna to generate profits SN35.132 Lohicca valued SN16.8 Tatiya Ovāda ascetic practices 2 (dhutaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also mortification (tapojigucchā) cow and dog MN57 Kukkuravatika lying down to sleep Thag16.9 Anuruddha not a reason to become arrogant MN113 Sappurisa not an indicator of internal qualities AN6.59 Dārukammika not enough without giving up evil wishes MN5 Anaṅgaṇa practiced by disciples MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi reasons for AN5.181-190 Ven. Bakkula MN124 Bakkula ascetic, mendicant, sage copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also monastic duties of AN3.81 Samaṇa true meaning Dhp265–72 ascetics (samaṇa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon does not harm another DN14:3.22.0 Mahāpadāna, Dhp184 fully understand desire SN1.81 Araṇa hard to be a true DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda how to become MN39 Mahā-Assapura invincible (ayojjha), qualities of MN78 Samaṇamaṇḍikā life of is not lost SN1.81 Araṇa love for Thig13.2 Rohiṇī loved when they take things away SN1.77 Issara people who respect are few SN56.68 Sāmañña term for Tathāgata (realized one) AN8.85 Tathāgatādhivacana transcending caste SN1.81 Araṇa true Iti103 Samaṇabrāhmaṇa true meaning DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda what do they want AN6.52 Khattiya what makes one an MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura ascetics and brahmins (samaṇabrāhmaṇa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon caught by sense pleasures MN26 Ariyapariyesanā fire of those worthy of a religious donation AN7.47 Mahāyañña good collect merit DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi how to evaluate MN150 Nagaravindeyya knowing and not knowing four noble truths SN56.22 Dutiya Koṭigāma, SN56.42 Papāta, SN56.43 Pariḷāha knowledge of in past and future SN12.33 Paṭhama Ñāṇavatthu leaders of other sects MN30 Cūḷasāropama not committing suicide DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi of the past, present, future: bases of psychic power SN51.16 Mahiddhika, SN51.17 Iddhividha of the past, present, future: four noble truths SN56.5 Paṭhama Samaṇabrāhmaṇa of the past, present, future: world is safe SN12.66 Sammasana patience as power AN8.27 Bala psychic powers DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi, SN51.5 Padesa true and not true SN48.6 Paṭhama Samaṇa, SN48.30 Dutiya Samaṇabrāhmaṇa, SN48.34 Paṭhama Samaṇabrāhmaṇa true and not true; dependent origination SN12.71 Jarāmaraṇa truly understanding aggregates SN23.5 Paṭhama Samaṇa truly understanding elements SN14.37 Paṭhama Samaṇabrāhmaṇa trying to escape Māra MN25 Nivāpa understanding dependent origination SN12.13 Paṭhama Samaṇabrāhmaṇa understanding gain and honor SN17.25 Paṭhama Samaṇabrāhmaṇa with right and wrong view MN60 Apaṇṇaka, MN117 Mahācattārīsaka Asibandhakaputta, chief copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asked about how Nigaṇṭhas teach SN42.8 Saṅkhadhama asking about Buddha’s teaching methods SN42.7 Khettūpama asking about causing rebirth in heaven SN42.6 Asibaddhaka trying to trick the Buddha SN42.9 Kula Asita, hermit copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon meets Bodhisatta Snp3.11 Nālaka asking forgiveness copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon example of SN1.35 Ujjhānasaññi, SN16.6 Paṭhama Ovāda, AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda for criticizing the Buddha AN3.91 Paṅkadhā for not following rule MN65 Bhaddāli for not recognizing the Buddha MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga growth in Buddha’s training MN65 Bhaddāli, AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda asking questions copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see questions, asking aspiration copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see wish (āsā);
wishing (ākaṅkhati)
Assaji and Punabbasuka copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon not abstaining from eating at night MN70 Kīṭāgiri Assaji, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon sick SN22.88 Assaji speaking with Saccaka Nigaṇṭhaputta MN35 Cūḷasaccaka Assalāyana, brahmin copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon arguing in favor of caste MN93 Assalāyana assemblies copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon contrary and in line with Dhamma AN10.116 Ajita divided and harmonious AN2.43 Parisa 2 eight kinds DN16:3.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, AN8.69 Parisa fear of AN9.5 Balasaṅgahavatthu just and unjust AN2.49 Parisa 8 knowing how to act around different AN7.68 Dhammaññū noble and ignoble AN2.45 Parisa 4 not enough just to frequent AN8.71 Paṭhama Samantapāsādika, AN8.72 Dutiya Samantapāsādika, AN10.8 Saddhā of best and worst AN2.44 Parisa 3 of previous Buddhas DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna one who knows is worthy of gifts AN7.68 Dhammaññū shallow and deep AN2.42 Parisa 1 three AN3.95 Parisā, AN3.134 Parisā valuing material things vs. Dhamma AN2.48 Parisa 7 who corrupts and who beautifies AN4.211 Parisasobhana assessing people (puggalā viditā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon how to AN7.68 Dhammaññū successes and failures AN8.7 Devadattavipatti association 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also companionship;
causing good and bad qualities to spread AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava causing good qualities to spread AN8.54 Byagghapajja like moon and stars Dhp208 truly getting to know someone AN4.192 Ṭhāna what kinds should and should not be cultivated MN114 Sevitabbāsevitabba whom to associate with AN3.26 Sevitabba whom to not associate with AN3.26 Sevitabba with bad like poisoned arrows Iti76 Sukhapatthanā with bad like rotten fish Iti76 Sukhapatthanā with bad people causes harm AN3.99 Potthaka with bad, like leaving a smooth road for rough SN2.22 Khema with fools Dhp207 , Iti76 Sukhapatthanā, Iti78 Dhātusosaṁsandana with fools like floating on a small log at sea Thag2.14 Somamitta, Thag3.16 Vimala with good like fragrance of sandalwood Iti76 Sukhapatthanā with good people SN1.31 Sabbhi, SN2.21 Siva, AN4.31 Cakka, Kp5 Maṅgala, Snp2.4 Maṅgala, Thag1.75 Susārada, Thag2.14 Somamitta, Thag17.3 Ānanda, Thig10.1 Kisāgotamī with good people grows wisdom AN4.248 Paññāvuddhi with loved and unloved Dhp210 with opposite people AN4.91 Asura with people vs. remote dwellings AN7.61 Pacalāyana with similar people, like dung comes together with dung, etc. SN14.16 Sagātha with similar people/like elements SN14.14 Hīnādhimuttika, SN14.15 Caṅkama, SN14.17 Assaddha, AN3.26 Sevitabba, AN4.91 Asura, AN5.249 Sīvathikā, Iti78 Dhātusosaṁsandana with superior people causes one to improve AN3.26 Sevitabba, AN4.242 Sappurisānisaṁsa with the wise Snp2.6 Dhammacariya, Snp2.8 Nāvā, Thag1.4 Puṇṇa with virtuous people AN3.42 Tiṭhāna, AN8.54 Byagghapajja with wicked AN3.27 Jigucchitabba, Snp1.3 Khaggavisāṇa, Thag1.95 Cakkhupāla. with wise Kp5 Maṅgala, Dhp64 , Dhp65 , Dhp206 , Dhp207 , Iti76 Sukhapatthanā, Iti78 Dhātusosaṁsandana, Snp1.3 Khaggavisāṇa, Snp2.4 Maṅgala with wise, fool becomes wise Thig10.1 Kisāgotamī
association 2 (bhajamānā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon with spiritual friends MN70 Kīṭāgiri association 3 (sampayoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon with disliked is suffering DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna association 4 (saṁseva) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon with bad people as the original cause of ignorance AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā with bad people causes listening to untrue teachings AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā with good people as the original cause for knowledge and freedom AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā with good people causes listening to true teachings AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā with laypeople detrimental SN35.241 Paṭhama Dārukkhandhopama with true persons, factor of stream-entry SN55.5 Dutiya Sāriputta, SN55.50 Aṅga with true persons, leads to arahantship SN55.58 Catuttha Phala with true persons, leads to stream-entry SN55.55 Paṭhama Phala with true persons, leads to wisdom SN55.59 Paṭilābhapañña association 5 (sevitabba) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon almsfood AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha countries AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha developing skillfulness AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha dwellings AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha people AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha qualities of person to associate with AN10.155 Sevitabba robes AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha things to be cultivated and not DN21:1.8.0 Sakkapañha villages AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha whom to associate with AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha whom to not associate with AN9.6 Sevitabbāsevitabba, AN10.54 Samatha assuming bad things copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon about families AN7.61 Pacalāyana assurances, four (assāsa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon results of actions AN3.65 Kesaputti astute person (paṇḍita) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also wise people approves of ascetics SN1.77 Issara blame and praise correctly AN2.134 Āyācana 5 can recognize another MN129 Bālapaṇḍita characteristics MN129 Bālapaṇḍita danger does not come from MN115 Bahudhātuka definition MN115 Bahudhātuka, AN4.186 Bahussuta difference between fool SN12.19 Bālapaṇḍita known by deeds MN33 Mahāgopālaka, AN11.17 Gopālaka knows a fool MN129 Bālapaṇḍita makes merit AN4.224 Pāṇātipātī no fear of punishment MN129 Bālapaṇḍita no regret MN129 Bālapaṇḍita not accepting confession SN11.24 Accaya not recognizing mistake SN11.24 Accaya taking responsibility AN2.99 two kinds SN11.24 Accaya vinaya and AN2.101 , AN2.103 , AN2.107 what is and is not the Dhamma AN2.105 asubhasaññā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see perception of ugliness (asubhasaññā) asuras copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon love of ocean AN8.19 Pahārāda, AN8.20 Uposatha, Ud5.5 Uposatha rebirth as DN24:1.7.0 Pātika simile for bad people AN4.91 Asura trumpet flower tree SN48.69 Tatiya Rukkha war with devas MN37 Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhaya, SN11.1 Suvīra, SN11.2 Susīma, SN11.4 Vepacitti, SN11.5 Subhāsitajaya, SN11.6 Kulāvaka, SN11.10 Isayosamuddaka, SN35.248 Yavakalāpī, SN56.41 Cintā, AN9.39 Devāsurasaṅgāma attachment to future lives (bhavayoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition AN4.10 Yoga attachment to ignorance (avijjāyoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition AN4.10 Yoga attachment to life (jīvitanikantiyā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon perception of death to overcome AN7.49 Vitthatasattasaññā attachment to sensual pleasures (kāmayoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon causing fights AN2.37 Samacitta 6 definition AN4.10 Yoga attachment to views (diṭṭhiyoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon about actions and results MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga and admonishment MN103 Kinti cause of disputes MN104 Sāmagāma causing fights AN2.37 Samacitta 6 definition AN4.10 Yoga difficult to admonish MN15 Anumāna attachments 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also acquisitions (upadhi) as source of sorrow Dhp214 difficulty of letting go of AN2.2 Padhāna like fish in dried-up stream Snp4.2 Guhaṭṭhaka sexual Dhp284 simile of calf Dhp284 to people Thag2.15 Sabbamitta attachments 2 (ajjhosāna) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon caused by desire and lust DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna, AN9.23 Taṇhāmūlaka causes ownership DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna, AN9.23 Taṇhāmūlaka from perceptions MN18 Madhupiṇḍika to elements, beings, gods, etc MN49 Brahmanimantanika attachments 3 (visattikā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon crossing over attachments to world AN9.38 Lokāyatika brāhmaṇa attachments 4 (yoga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon to sensual pleasures, future lives, views, and ignorance SN45.172 Yoga to sensual pleasures, future lives, views, ignorance AN4.10 Yoga attachments, stilling of all (sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggo) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon ending defilements MN64 Mahāmāluṅkya hard to see MN26 Ariyapariyesanā attainments 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see declaring enlightenment attainments 2 (samāpatti) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha knows MN12 Mahāsīhanāda attendant copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of the Buddha Ud4.1 Meghiya, Thag17.3 Ānanda who should have AN5.253 Sāmaṇera attendants copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of previous Buddhas DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna of the Buddha SN7.13 Devahita who should have AN10.36 Sāmaṇera attention (manasikāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon during meditation AN11.8 Manasikāra jhānas and MN111 Anupada loss of ending concentration MN128 Upakkilesa origin of phenomenon SN47.42 Samudaya part of name (nāma) MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi produces desire AN8.83 Kiṁmūlaka, AN10.58 Mūlaka Atula copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon someone is always blamed Dhp227 austerities (dukkarakārikā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also mortification (tapojigucchā) Buddha freed from SN4.1 Tapokamma Buddha gave up MN26 Ariyapariyesanā Avantiputta, king copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon meeting Mahā Kaccāna MN84 Madhurā avoiding 1 (parikkamana) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon good to avoid the bad MN8 Sallekha, AN10.175 Saparikkamana avoiding 2 (parivajjana) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon after appraisal MN68 Naḷakapāna, AN9.2 Nissayasampanna, AN10.20 Dutiya Ariyavāsa in order to remove taints (āsava) MN2 Sabbāsava, AN6.58 Āsava awakening (sambodha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also bliss of awakening (sambodhasukha) person capable of MN36 Mahāsaccaka pleasure of MN122 Mahāsuññata teachings that lead to are true Dhamma AN7.83 Satthusāsana awakening factor of energy (vīriyasambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati physical and mental SN46.52 Pariyāya what starves SN46.51 Āhāra awakening factor of equanimity (upekkhāsambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi for internal and external SN46.52 Pariyāya mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati awakening factor of immersion (samādhisambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati what starves SN46.51 Āhāra with and without applied and sustained thought SN46.52 Pariyāya awakening factor of investigation of principles (dhammavicayasambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi for internal and external SN46.52 Pariyāya mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati right view MN117 Mahācattārīsaka what starves SN46.51 Āhāra awakening factor of mindfulness (satisambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also mindfulness (sati) cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra for internal and external SN46.52 Pariyāya mindfulness is always useful SN46.53 Aggi mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati what starves SN46.51 Āhāra awakening factor of rapture (pītisambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati what starves SN46.51 Āhāra with and without applied and sustained thought SN46.52 Pariyāya awakening factor of tranquility (passaddhisambojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra develop when mind is restless SN46.53 Aggi do not develop when mind is sluggish SN46.53 Aggi mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati physical and mental SN46.52 Pariyāya what starves SN46.51 Āhāra awakening factors, seven (bojjhaṅga) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also awakening factor of energy (vīriyasambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of equanimity (upekkhāsambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of immersion (samādhisambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of investigation of principles (dhammavicayasambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of mindfulness (satisambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of rapture (pītisambojjhaṅga);
awakening factor of tranquility (passaddhisambojjhaṅga);
bodhipakkhiyā dhammā
SN 46 Bojjhaṅga Saṁyutta after listening to an accomplished teacher SN46.3 Sīla all developed Thig2.2 Jentā, Thig3.3 Uttamā all skillful qualities rooted in SN46.89 Tathāgata all who attain enlightenment develop AN10.95 Uttiya appear when Buddha appears SN46.42 Cakkavatti arahant has well developed AN8.28 Khīṇāsavabala, AN10.90 Khīṇāsavabala as seven things Kp4 Kumārapañhā attending to grounds of SN46.23 Ṭhāna becoming twofold SN46.52 Pariyāya benefits of SN46.3 Sīla cause SN46.2 Kāya, SN46.51 Āhāra cause of knowledge and freedom SN54.13 Paṭhama Ānanda, AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā caused by four kinds of mindfulness meditation SN54.13 Paṭhama Ānanda, AN10.61 Avijjā, AN10.62 Taṇhā chanted when the Buddha was ill SN46.16 Tatiya Gilāna chanted when Ven. Mahākassapa was ill SN46.14 Paṭhama Gilāna chanted when Ven. Moggallāna was ill SN46.15 Dutiya Gilāna definition SN46.5 Bhikkhu development AN2.12 Adhikaraṇa 2 does not arise apart from the Blessed One’s vinaya SN46.10 Dutiya Uppāda ending craving SN46.26 Khaya extinguished in-between SN46.3 Sīla extinguished upon landing SN46.3 Sīla extinguished with extra effort SN46.3 Sīla extinguished without extra effort SN46.3 Sīla far shore SN46.17 Apāra final knowledge (aññā) SN46.3 Sīla fulfil knowledge and freedom MN118 Ānāpānasati fulfilled by foundations of mindfulness SN46.6 Kuṇḍaliya fully comprehending makes an end of suffering AN10.27 Paṭhama Mahāpañha give up things prone to being fettered SN46.29 Ekadhamma good friends as precursor SN46.48 Ādicca grounded on virtue SN46.1 Himavanta, SN46.11 Pāṇa, SN46.99 Bala heading upstream to the Akaniṭṭha realm SN46.3 Sīla helped by proper attention AN1.75 Kalyāṇamitta 5 investigating the mind to see if they are developed MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi knowledge and freedom SN46.6 Kuṇḍaliya lead to three knowledges AN10.102 Bojjhaṅga leads to growth SN46.36 Buddhi leads to unconditioned SN43.10 Bojjhaṅga like Ganges slants to the east SN46.77 Paṭhama Pācīnaninna like seven treasures of wheel turning monarch SN46.42 Cakkavatti missed out on SN46.18 Āraddha monks committed to developing MN118 Ānāpānasati not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions SN46.34 Dutiya Kilesa one with factors developed is quenched AN10.117 Saṅgārava only when Buddha arises SN46.9 Paṭhama Uppāda, SN46.10 Dutiya Uppāda prevent decline DN16:1.6.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN46.25 Aparihāniya, AN7.26 Catuttha Bhikkhu aparihānīya prevented by improper attention AN1.74 Kalyāṇamitta 4 proper attention SN46.13 Dutiya Suriya realizing freedom of heart, freedom of wisdom MN146 Nandakovāda self-knowledge of SN46.8 Upavāna spiritual friends SN46.12 Paṭhama Suriya supported by seclusion MN146 Nandakovāda to give up five higher fetters SN46.130 Uddhambhāgiyasaṁyojana to give up floods SN46.121 Ogha to know searches SN46.111 Esanā understanding of arising and passing away DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna Ven. Sāriputta’s practice SN46.4 Vattha what starves SN46.51 Āhāra why disciples respect the Buddha MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi wisdom SN46.40 Nīvaraṇa
axel copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon breaking, simile for associating with bad people SN2.22 Khema ayoniso manasikāra copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see improper attention (ayoniso manasikāra) B babies copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon as divine messenger MN130 Devadūta ascetic practices won’t purify MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura compared to wrong ideas about invincible ascetic MN78 Samaṇamaṇḍikā crying as power AN8.27 Bala getting stick caught in throat AN5.7 Kāmesu palāḷita released from swaddling, simile for enlightenment MN80 Vekhanassa simile for five lower fetters MN64 Mahāmāluṅkya simile for spiritual immaturity AN10.99 Upāli something stuck in throat, simile for scolding MN58 Abhayarājakumāra bad actions copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also actions (kamma);
good actions
accumulating little by little Dhp121 bad result in present and future life AN10.167 Brāhmaṇa paccorohaṇī better left undone SN2.8 Tāyana, SN2.22 Khema blameworthy, not meat eating Snp2.2 Āmagandha by body, speech and mind MN78 Samaṇamaṇḍikā by speech AN4.148 Vacīduccarita cause AN10.47 Mahāli cause for rebirth as nāga SN29.7 Paṭhama Suta cause for rebirth as supaṇṇa SN30.3 Paṭhama Dvayakāri, SN30.4-6 do not protect SN3.5 Attarakkhita doing again and again Dhp117 doing because of vanity of youth, health, life AN3.39 Sukhumāla done in pain and sadness MN46 Mahādhammasamādāna done with pleasure and happiness MN46 Mahādhammasamādāna drawbacks of AN5.217 Paṭhama Apāsādika, AN5.245 Aparaduccarita easy to do Dhp163 good actions to give up AN6.108 Duccarita having done, how to live SN42.8 Saṅkhadhama impossible for good results to come from MN115 Bahudhātuka impossible to lead to good destination MN115 Bahudhātuka like beverages MN46 Mahādhammasamādāna like butcher can and cannot punish some AN3.100 Loṇakapalla like lump of salt in water AN3.100 Loṇakapalla like small time thief AN3.100 Loṇakapalla limiting actions to limit results Pv32 Migaluddaka, Pv33 Dutiyamigaluddaka not doing, not suffering AN10.219 Karajakāya not wanting to get caught Snp1.7 Vasala results come slowly Dhp119 results coming at different times MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga results of Dhp15 , Dhp17 seeing results of Dhp15 , Dhp17 should not be cultivated MN114 Sevitabbāsevitabba simile of poison Dhp124 small amounts give big results AN3.100 Loṇakapalla, Pv21 Aṅkura small amounts give small results AN3.100 Loṇakapalla teaching about as harsh training AN4.111 Kesi ten types of MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, MN41 Sāleyyaka ten ways of performing: fully comprehending makes an end of suffering AN10.27 Paṭhama Mahāpañha washing away by bathing SN7.21 Saṅgārava
bad conduct copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see bad actions bad friends copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see friends, bad bad monastics copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also good monastics;
abusing other monastics AN6.54 Dhammika admonished by devas SN2.25 Chantu admonishment and AN2.62 Puggala 11 behavior of AN7.72 Aggikkhandhopama difficult to admonish MN103 Kinti dividing lay people AN8.88 Appasādappasāda, AN8.89 Paṭisāraṇiyakamma example of SN9.13 Pākatindriya, AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava gone forth for wrong reason AN5.167 Codanā gone forth without faith MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna good monastics weak when bad monastics are strong AN2.39 Samacitta 8 harming laypeople AN8.88 Appasādappasāda, AN8.89 Paṭisāraṇiyakamma in pātimokkha recitation AN8.20 Uposatha, Ud5.5 Uposatha laypeople banishing AN6.54 Dhammika like bad barley corrupting crop AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava like hemp/jute AN3.99 Potthaka love schisms AN4.243 Saṅghabhedaka proclamation of no confidence AN8.88 Appasādappasāda, AN8.89 Paṭisāraṇiyakamma qualities that make one not respected by companions AN7.1 Paṭhama Piyabhikkhū, AN7.2 Dutiya Piyabhikkhū rebirth SN19.17 Pāpabhikkhu, Dhp307 , Dhp308 shocked by psychic powers SN51.14 Moggallāna ten qualities of like qualities of crow AN10.77 Kāka Ven. Gulissāni MN69 Gulissāni Vinaya restrains AN10.31 Upāli
bad people (asappurisa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also good people (sappurisa) actions MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama along wrong path SN35.246 Vīṇopama becoming good Thag17.2 Sāriputta cannot know good and bad MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama, AN4.187 Vassakāra[Vassakāra 2] definition MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama, SN45.25 Paṭhama Asappurisa, SN45.26 Dutiya Asappurisa, AN4.201 Paṭhama Sappurisa, AN4.202 Dutiya Sappurisa, AN4.203 Tatiya Sappurisa, AN4.204 Sappurisa 4, AN4.205 Sappurisa 5, AN4.206 Sappurisa 6 easy to do bad Ud5.8 Saṅghabheda even worse when they encourage others AN4.201 Paṭhama Sappurisa, AN4.202 Dutiya Sappurisa, AN4.203 Tatiya Sappurisa, AN4.204 Sappurisa 4, AN4.205 Sappurisa 5, AN4.206 Sappurisa 6 experiencing good results MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga how they associate MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama how they council others MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama intentions MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama like a charnel ground AN5.249 Sīvathikā like arrows Dhp304 qualities of MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama, MN113 Sappurisa reborn in bad destination MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama speech MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama ungrateful and thankless AN2.32 Samacitta 1 view of MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama way of giving MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇama bad qualities (asaddhamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also untrue teachings (asaddhamma) faithless, shameless, imprudent, uneducated, lazy, unmindful, witless AN7.93 Asaddhamma hidden AN8.10 Kāraṇḍava bad rebirth (duggati) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also fear of bad rebirth (duggatibhaya) cause of MN41 Sāleyyaka danger of sense pleasures MN13 Mahādukkhakkhandha, MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha escaping through stream-entry SN55.14 Duggati fear of AN9.5 Balasaṅgahavatthu we have experienced all in saṁsara SN15.11 Duggata Bāhiya Dārucīriya copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon foremost with swift insight AN1.216 questions the Buddha Ud1.10 Bāhiya Bāhiya, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asking for teaching in brief SN35.89 Bāhiya, SN47.15 Bāhiya Bāhuna, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asking about Buddha’s liberation AN10.81 Bāhuna bait copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha has spat out world’s MN56 Upāli dropping the world’s SN1.3 Upanīyati, SN1.4 Accenti simile for sense pleasures MN25 Nivāpa simile for wrong views SN2.30 Nānātitthiyasāvaka Baka Brahmā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon past merit SN6.4 Bakabrahma wrong views MN49 Brahmanimantanika, SN6.4 Bakabrahma Bakkula, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon foremost with good health AN1.226 qualities of MN124 Bakkula balanced living copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon accomplishment in AN8.75 Paṭhama Sampadā through balanced finances AN8.54 Byagghapajja ball of string copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon and hard door, simile for Māra finding vulnerabilities MN119 Kāyagatāsati simile for fixed length of saṁsara DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala, MN76 Sandaka simile for population not grasping dependent origination DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna, SN12.60 Nidāna (paṭiccasamuppāda) simile for sense bases, tangled SN35.229 Dutiya Samudda balls of clay copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon compared to earth, simile for suffering removed by stream-enterer SN13.5 Paṭhama Paṭhavi, SN13.6 Dutiya Paṭhavi, SN56.55 Paṭhama Paṭhavi, SN56.56 Dutiya Paṭhavi less than number of fathers SN15.2 Paṭhavī balls of iron copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon eating Iti48 Āpāyika, Iti91 Jīvika simile for body and psychic powers SN51.22 Ayoguḷa simile for dead person DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi bamboo copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also reeds simile for causing own ruin SN3.23 Loka, SN17.35 Attavadha banana trees copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for causing own ruin SN6.12 Devadatta, SN17.35 Attavadha simile for hollow argument MN35 Cūḷasaccaka simile for no self in sense bases SN35.234 Udāyī simile for source of defilements SN10.3 Sūciloma simile for volitional formations SN22.95 Pheṇapiṇḍūpama bandits copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see thieves (cora) banishment copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of monk for bad behaviour AN6.55 Soṇa barbers copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of king Makhādeva MN83 Makhādeva barley copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also sheaves of grain spike of, simile for wrong view and right view SN45.9 Sūka bases of contact, six (phassāyatana) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga restraint MN105 Sunakkhatta some have work to do SN35.134 Devadaha bases of overcoming (abhibhāyatana) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition DN16:3.24.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi eight AN8.65 Abhibhāyatana, AN10.29 Paṭhama Kosala why disciples respect the Buddha MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi bases of psychic power (iddhipāda) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also bodhipakkhiyā dhammā;
energy (vīriya);
investigation (vīmaṁsā);
mind (citta);
zeal (chanda)
SN 51 Iddhipāda Saṁyutta analysis SN51.20 Vibhaṅga arahant has well developed AN8.28 Khīṇāsavabala, AN10.90 Khīṇāsavabala arahantship or non-returning SN51.25 Paṭhama Phala definition DN18:22.2.0 Janavasabha, SN51.1 Apāra, SN51.27 Paṭhama Ānanda emancipating SN51.3 Ariya insight into greed AN4.276 Caturiddhipāda rāga abhiññāya investigating the mind to see if they are developed MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi lead to nibbāna MN16 Cetokhila, SN51.4 Nibbidā, SN51.11 Pubba, AN5.67 Paṭhama Iddhipāda leads to unconditioned SN43.7 Iddhipāda monks committed to developing MN118 Ānāpānasati one who has developed could live for an eon DN16:3.1.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN51.10 Cetiya, AN8.70 Bhumicāla psychic powers AN5.68 Dutiya Iddhipāda to give up aggregates AN9.76 Upādānakkhandha sammappadhāna to give up bondages of the mind AN9.92 Vinibandha iddhipāda to give up breaking precepts AN9.73 Sikkhādubbalya sammappadhāna to give up five higher fetters AN9.90 Uddhambhāgiya iddhipāda to give up five lower fetters AN9.77 Orambhāgiya sammappadhāna to give up five realms of rebirth AN9.78 Gati sammappadhāna to give up hindrances AN9.74 Kāmaguṇa sammappadhāna to give up mental barrenness AN9.91 Cetokhila iddhipāda to give up sense pleasures AN9.75 Nīvaraṇa sammappadhāna to give up stinginess AN9.79 Macchariya sammappadhāna why disciples respect the Buddha MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi
bath attendants copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for first jhāna DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, DN10:2.1.0 Subha, MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, MN119 Kāyagatāsati bath powder copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for first jhāna DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, DN10:2.1.0 Subha, MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, MN119 Kāyagatāsati bathing copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon all castes can wash themselves MN93 Assalāyana, MN96 Esukārī as ritual MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādāna, SN7.21 Saṅgārava, Thag5.7 Gayā Kassapa, Thig12.1 Puṇṇā ascetic practices and MN51 Kandaraka, MN94 Ghoṭamukha Ghaṭīkāra and Jotipāla MN81 Ghaṭīkāra refusing to MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādāna useless as ritual MN7 Vatthūpama with “the inner bathing” MN7 Vatthūpama with “the inner bathing”: confidence in the Buddha SN55.30 Licchavi Bāvari, ascetic copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon head explosion Snp5.1 Vatthugāthā beards copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon shaving off MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama tearing out MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādāna beautiful words beneficial for the one who practices copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon like flower with fragrance Dhp52 , Thag5.2 Subhūta beautiful words without practicing copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon like flower without fragrance Dhp51 , Thag5.2 Subhūta beautiful, contemplation of (subhānupassī) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Māra strikes one down Dhp7 beautiful, the copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon culmination of heart’s release by loving-kindness SN46.54 Metta beauty 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon as impermanent Thig13.1 Ambapāli as monastic’s virtue AN3.96 Paṭhama Ājānīya as result of merit Kp8 Nidhikaṇḍa as result of non-anger MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅga, AN4.197 Mallikā complexion of those who practice loving-kindness AN11.15 Mettānisaṁsa doesn’t make you better or worse MN96 Esukārī gratification of form MN13 Mahādukkhakkhandha hindered by lack of adornment AN10.73 Iṭṭhadhamma laziness AN8.15 Mala liberations AN8.66 Vimokkha nourished by adornment AN10.73 Iṭṭhadhamma rare in the world AN10.73 Iṭṭhadhamma beauty 2 (rūpa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon power of woman SN37.25 Visārada beauty 3 (subha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon focused on, liberation DN15:35.0 Mahānidāna beauty 4 (vaṇṇa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon by giving clothes SN1.42 Kiṁdada on outside and inside SN21.5 Sujāta result of factors of stream-entry SN55.30 Licchavi result of heedfulness SN3.17 Appamāda becoming (bhava) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also dependent origination (paṭiccasamuppāda) cessation of MN60 Apaṇṇaka, SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda complete understanding of SN38.13 Bhava condition for rebirth/birth SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda conditioned by grasping SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda conduit to SN23.3 Bhavanetti definition MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, SN12.2 Vibhaṅga, SN38.13 Bhava, AN3.76 Paṭhama Bhava delight in SN44.6 Ārāma disgust with AN10.29 Paṭhama Kosala knowing AN10.59 Pabbajjā none anywhere DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna three types of MN43 Mahāvedalla vital condition for grasping SN12.23 Upanisa vital condition is grasping SN12.23 Upanisa beds copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon giving SN55.41 Paṭhama Asaṅkheyya high and large, abstaining from, ten precepts Kp2 Dasasikkhāpada luxurious, abstaining from DN1: Brahmajāla, DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama luxurious, avoiding MN51 Kandaraka of thorns/spikes MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādāna people who refrain from high and large are few SN56.82 Uccāsayana behaviours (sīla) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see habits (sīla) beings 1 (bhātā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon born from beings MN57 Kukkuravatika, AN10.216 Saṁsappaniya pariyāya beings 2 (bhūta) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon attachment to MN49 Brahmanimantanika perceiving, directly knowing, etc. MN1 Mūlapariyāya beings 3 (satta) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha knows conviction/disposition of beings MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, AN10.21 Sīhanāda definition SN23.2 Satta, SN35.66 Samiddhi-sattapañha diverse DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna just conditions SN5.10 Vajirā like chariot SN5.10 Vajirā beings diverse in body and diverse in perception (sattā nānattakāyā nānattasaññino) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings gone beyond perceptions of form (sattā sabbaso rūpasaññānaṁ samatikkamā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings gone beyond the dimension of infinite consciousness (sattā sabbaso viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samatikkamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings gone beyond the dimension of infinite space (sattā sabbaso ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samatikkamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings gone beyond the dimension of nothingness (sattā sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samatikkamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa beings in the underworld (vinipātika) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon diverse in body and diverse in perception DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti, AN9.24 Sattāvāsa beings that are diverse in body and unified in perception (sattā nānattakāyā ekattasaññino) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings unified in body and diverse in perception (sattā ekattakāyā nānattasaññino) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti beings unified in body and unified in perception (sattā ekattakāyā ekattasaññino) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon abodes of beings AN9.24 Sattāvāsa planes of consciousness DN15:33.0 Mahānidāna, AN7.44 Viññāṇaṭṭhiti belief in future consequences (āgamanadiṭṭhika) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon giving without AN9.20 Velāma beneficent conduct copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see caring for (atthacariyā) beneficial or harmful (atthasaṁhitena vā anatthasaṁhitena) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon dealing with speech that may be MN21 Kakacūpama beryl gem copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see gems best copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon four things AN4.74 Paṭhama Agga, AN4.75 Dutiya Agga of best SN47.13 Cunda beverages copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon poisoned, avoiding, like restraint towards sense fields MN105 Sunakkhatta poisoned, simile for attachments for world SN12.66 Sammasana poisoned/healthy, delicious/disgusting; simile for actions MN46 Mahādhammasamādāna Bhadda Kaccānā, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon foremost who have attained swift insight AN1.245 Bhaddā Kāpilānī, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon attainments same as Mahā Kassapa Thig4.1 Bhaddākāpilānī foremost who recollects past lives AN1.244 Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon foremost with swift insight AN1.243 Bhadda, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asks about “not the spiritual path” SN45.18 Paṭhama Kukkuṭārāma asks about the spiritual path SN45.19 Dutiya Kukkuṭārāma asks about wholesome virtue SN47.21 Sīla asks why Dhamma doesn’t last long SN47.23 Parihāna asks why Dhamma lasts long SN47.22 Ṭhiti Bhaddaji, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon best sight, etc. AN5.170 Bhaddaji Bhaddāli, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon not following food rule MN65 Bhaddāli Bhaddiya Kāḷigodhā, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon calling out “Oh, what bliss!” Ud2.10 Bhaddiya foremost from eminent families AN1.193 Bhaddiya the Licchavi copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asks if Buddha is magician AN4.193 Bhaddiya Bhaddiya, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Lakuṇṭaka Bhaddiya, Ven. listening to a sermon by the Buddha MN68 Naḷakapāna Bhadraka, chief copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon asking about suffering SN42.11 Bhadraka Bhagu, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon listening to a sermon by the Buddha MN68 Naḷakapāna living alone MN128 Upakkilesa bhante copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon juniors address seniors as DN16:6.1.0 Mahāparinibbāna Bhāradvāja the Alms-gatherer copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see Piṇḍola Bhāradvāja, Ven. Bhāradvāja, brahmin copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon questioning how one becomes a brahmin MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha bhavataṇhā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see craving for existence (bhavataṇhā) bhikkhunīs copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Bhadda Kaccānā, Ven.;
Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā, Ven.;
Bhaddā Kāpilānī, Ven.;
Dhammadinnā, Ven.;
Jaṭilagāhikā, Ven.;
Kajaṅgalikā, Ven.;
Khemā, Ven.;
Kisāgotamī, Ven.;
Mahā Pajāpatī Gotamī, Ven.;
Nandā, Ven.;
Nandā, Ven.;
Paṭācārā, Ven.;
Sakulā, Ven.;
Siṅgālakamātā, Ven.;
Soṇā, Ven.;
Thullatissā, Ven.;
Uppalavaṇṇā, Ven.;
SN 5 Bhikkhunī Saṁyutta abusing, insulting bhikkhus AN8.51 Gotamī associating too much with bhikkhunī MN21 Kakacūpama Buddha declaring attainments of DN16:2.5.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN68 Naḷakapāna, SN55.8 Paṭhama Giñjakāvasatha Buddha would not pass away until he had learned bhikkhunīs DN16:3.7.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN51.10 Cetiya, AN8.70 Bhumicāla Dhamma talk given to MN146 Nandakovāda, SN55.11 Sahassa instructing MN146 Nandakovāda non-returner DN16:2.5.0 Mahāparinibbāna number of with attainments MN73 Mahāvacchagotta origin of bhikkhuni order AN8.51 Gotamī practicing foundations of mindfulness SN47.10 Bhikkhunūpassaya praised by Sakka Thig13.5 Subhā praised by yakkha SN10.9 Paṭhama Sukkā qualities of and rebirth AN5.115 Maccharī, AN5.116 Vaṇṇa requests visit from Ven. Ānanada AN4.159 Bhikkhunī
bhikkhus copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also monastics mixing with nuns MN21 Kakacūpama, AN5.80 Catuttha Anāgatabhaya true meaning of SN7.20 Bhikkhaka young, not to be looked down on SN3.1 Dahara Bhūmija, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon answering prince Jayasena MN126 Bhūmija asking about actions SN12.25 Bhumija Bimbisāra, King copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon admiration for DN18:4.0 Janavasabha advised on sharing merit (commentary) Pv5 Tirokuṭṭa happiness of compared to Buddha MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha reborn as yakkha Janavasabha DN18:9.4.0 Janavasabha birds copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also chickens;
caught in trap, simile for beings and desire SN1.79 Pātheyya defined by birth MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha land seeking, simile for someone seeking out the Buddha last DN11:67.2.0 Kevaddha, AN6.54 Dhammika nests, not damaging SN11.6 Kulāvaka shaking off dust; simile for removing desire SN9.1 Viveka simile for monastics taking only robe and bowl DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama, MN51 Kandaraka simile for monk attached to gain and honor SN17.9 Veramba simile for senses SN35.247 Chappāṇaka
birth 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of bodhisattas DN14:1.17.0 Mahāpadāna birth 2 (jāti) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also caste (vaṇṇa);
dependent origination (paṭiccasamuppāda);
as first noble truth DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN141 Saccavibhaṅga as part of right view MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi being liable to MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN130 Devadūta, SN35.33 Jātidhamma Buddha has escaped from AN10.81 Bāhuna cessation of SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda condition for old age, death, sorrow, etc. SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda conditioned by becoming SN12.1 Paṭiccasamuppāda definition DN22:13.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi, MN141 Saccavibhaṅga, SN12.2 Vibhaṅga does not make one a brahmin MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.4 Sundarikabhāradvāja, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha does not make one an outcast Snp1.7 Vasala encouragement to take up practices at MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura greed, hatred, delusion must be given up in order to give up birth AN10.76 Tayodhamma if birth was not found, Buddhas would not arise in the world AN10.76 Tayodhamma none anywhere DN15:1.0 Mahānidāna vs. conduct SN7.9 Sundarika
blame copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon by the wise MN88 Bāhitika, Kp9 Metta, Snp1.8 Metta fear of MN54 Potaliya giving up MN54 Potaliya happiness of blamelessness AN4.62 Ānaṇya inevitability of Dhp227 levels of AN4.135 Vajjapuggala result of actions AN5.245 Aparaduccarita worldly conditions AN8.5 Paṭhama Lokadhamma blamed by the wise (viññugarahita) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon qualities AN3.65 Kesaputti blamelessness (anavajja) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon power of, definition AN9.5 Balasaṅgahavatthu blameworthy (sāvajja) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon noble disciple gives up AN7.67 Nagarūpama blemish (aṅgaṇa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon self reflection MN5 Anaṅgaṇa simile for self-examination AN10.51 Sacitta blessing copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha blessing someone DN3:2.16.0 Ambaṭṭha, MN90 Kaṇṇakatthala blessings (maṅgala) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon in detail Kp5 Maṅgala, Snp2.4 Maṅgala blind people copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon developed faculties MN152 Indriyabhāvanā line of, simile for following one who doesn’t see DN13:11.0 Tevijja, MN95 Caṅkī, MN99 Subha simile for making unfounded statements MN99 Subha simile for not seeing other worlds DN23:5.0 Pāyāsi simile for spiritual deception MN75 Māgandiya simile of elephant and Ud6.4 Paṭhama Nānātitthiya blinking copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Tavatiṁsa gods don’t DN14: Mahāpadāna bliss (sukha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see happiness (sukha) bliss of awakening (sambodhasukha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha has AN5.30 Nāgita not possible for one who enjoys company MN122 Mahāsuññata bliss of peace (upasamasukha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha has AN5.30 Nāgita not possible for one who enjoys company MN122 Mahāsuññata bliss of renunciation (nekkhammasukha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also renunciation (nekkhamma) Buddha has AN5.30 Nāgita not possible for one who enjoys company MN122 Mahāsuññata superior to happiness of sensuality MN66 Laṭukikopama, AN2.65 bliss of seclusion (pavivekasukha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also seclusion (viveka, paviveka) Buddha has AN5.30 Nāgita getting and not getting AN8.86 Nāgita not possible for one who enjoys company MN122 Mahāsuññata blood copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon comes together with blood, simile for association SN14.16 Sagātha from heads chopped off in saṁsara SN15.13 Tiṁsamatta spewing hot MN36 Mahāsaccaka, MN56 Upāli, AN7.72 Aggikkhandhopama boasting copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon about attainments AN10.85 Katthī about ones own virtue Snp4.3 Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka in assemblies Thag2.45 Visākha Pañcālaputta boat, bailed out copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for escaping saṁsara Snp4.1 Kāma Bodhi Tree copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon enlightenment under Thag2.49 Sanbhita of previous Buddhas DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna Bodhi, prince copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon pleasure not gained through pleasure MN85 Bodhirājakumāra bodhipakkhiyā dhammā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also awakening factors, seven (bojjhaṅga);
bases of psychic power (iddhipāda);
faculties, spiritual (indriya);
foundations of mindfulness, four (satipaṭṭhāna);
noble eightfold path (ariya aṭṭhangika magga);
powers (bala);
right effort (sammā vāyāma)
as middle path AN156-162 Buddha taught analytically SN22.81 Pārileyyaka Buddha taught from direct knowledge MN103 Kinti conditions for development of AN9.1 Sambodhipakkhiya developed when noble eightfold path is developed MN149 Mahāsaḷāyatanika, SN45.155 Ākāsa development SN22.101 Vāsijaṭopama, AN7.71 Bhāvanānuyutta for the benefit of the world DN16:3.38.0 Mahāparinibbāna investigating the mind to see if they are developed MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi no disagreement over in the Saṅgha MN104 Sāmagāma
Bodhisatta copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Buddha, the as chariot-maker AN3.15 Pacetana birth of MN123 Acchariya-abbhūta, Snp3.11 Nālaka delicate lifestyle and three palaces AN3.39 Sukhumāla development of bases of psychic power AN5.68 Dutiya Iddhipāda dreams AN5.196 Mahāsupina Gotama Snp3.1 Pabbajjā, Snp3.2 Padhāna gratification, danger, escape SN22.26 Paṭhama Assāda great renunciation MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN36 Mahāsaccaka, Vv81 Kaṇḍaka living in remote lodgings MN4 Bhayabherava meditation experience MN19 Dvedhāvitakka, MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN36 Mahāsaccaka, MN128 Upakkilesa, AN8.64 Adhidevañāṇadassana, AN9.41 Tapussagahapati meditation experience, mindfulness of breathing SN54.8 Dīpa mother MN123 Acchariya-abbhūta, Ud5.2 Appāyuka reborn as a king Iti22 Metta reborn as brahmin priest DN5:8.0 Kūṭadanta reborn as Jotipāla MN81 Ghaṭīkāra reborn as king Makhādeva MN83 Makhādeva reborn as Mahābrahmā AN7.62 Māpuññabhāyi, Iti22 Metta reborn as Mahāgovinda DN19:30.0 Mahāgovinda reborn as Mahāsudassana DN17:2.13.0 Mahāsudassana reborn as Sakka, lord of gods AN7.62 Māpuññabhāyi, Iti22 Metta reborn as wheel-turning monarch SN22.96 Gomaya, Iti22 Metta reborn in realm of streaming radiance AN7.62 Māpuññabhāyi, Iti22 Metta reflection on feeling SN36.24 Pubbe reflection on gratification, danger, escape SN36.24 Pubbe, AN3.103 Pubbevasambodha reflection on iddhipāda SN51.11 Pubba, SN51.21 Magga reflection on the world, dependent origination SN12.65 Nagara “Renunciation is good! Seclusion is good!” AN9.41 Tapussagahapati seeing gratification, danger, escape SN35.13 Paṭhama Sambodha sense pleasures and MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha, MN75 Māgandiya, SN35.117 Kāmaguṇa striving for enlightenment MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN36 Mahāsaccaka bodhisattas copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon birth of causes earthquake DN16:3.11.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN8.70 Bhumicāla characteristics, behaviours DN14:1.17.0 Mahāpadāna mothers of DN14:1.17.0 Mahāpadāna bodies, doctrine of seven copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon negating the spiritual path MN76 Sandaka Pakudha Kaccāyana DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala bodily action (kāyakamma) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon corruptions and failures of AN10.217 Paṭhama Sañcetanika, AN10.218 Dutiya Sañcetanika no result (wrong view) MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅga bodily conduct (kāyasamācāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon blamed by the wise MN88 Bāhitika purified in three points SN55.7 Veludavāreyya should and should not be cultivated MN114 Sevitabbāsevitabba should be pure MN39 Mahā-Assapura two kinds, to be cultivated and not DN21:1.8.0 Sakkapañha bodily formation (kāyasaṅkhāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition MN44 Cūḷavedalla, SN41.6 Dutiya Kāmabhu dying down DN18:23.3.0 Janavasabha mindfulness of breathing DN22:2.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna, MN118 Ānāpānasati type of saṅkhāra MN9 Sammādiṭṭhi bodily misconduct copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see misconduct by body bodily motion (kāyasaṅkhāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see bodily formation (kāyasaṅkhāra) body 1 copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also mindfulness of body (kāyagatāsati);
perception of ugliness (asubhasaññā);
rotten body (pūtikāya)
as fragile Iti77 Bhidura as the world AN4.45 Paṭhama Rohitassa attachment to causes fear of death AN4.184 Jāṇussonī cause for ten things AN10.49 Sarīraṭṭhadhamma created from MN74 Dīghanakha danger of Thig1.17 Dhammā disease, boil, dart MN74 Dīghanakha, MN75 Māgandiya disturbed in AN10.51 Sacitta emptiness of Thag2.26 Puṇṇamāsa greed for as bondage of the mind AN5.206 Vinibandha, AN9.72 Vinibandha satipaṭṭhāna grown old Thig13.1 Ambapāli impermanent MN74 Dīghanakha like a bag of grains DN22:2.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna, MN119 Kāyagatāsati like a boil with nine leaking orifices AN9.15 Gaṇḍopama like a pot Dhp40 , Snp3.8 Salla, Pv13 Saṁsāramocaka like a snake’s skin shed Pv12 Uraga like bowl of leaking fat AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda like cuts of meat DN22:2.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna, MN119 Kāyagatāsati like puppet Dhp147 mindfulness of breathing MN118 Ānāpānasati not-self MN74 Dīghanakha old, like cart held together with straps DN16:2.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN47.9 Gilāna simile of foam Dhp46 supported by food, simile for hindrances SN46.2 Kāya thirty-two parts DN22:2.0.1 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna, MN10 Satipaṭṭhāna, Kp3 Dvattiṁsākāra
body 2 (kāya) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also sense bases (āyatana) arising of ear consciousness MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama complete understanding of SN47.38 Pariññāta desire and craving for MN16 Cetokhila doesn’t belong to anyone SN12.37 Natumha ephemeral (mattaṭṭhaka) MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama good and bad behaviour SN14.12 Sanidāna impermanence is more apparent SN12.61 Paṭhama Assutavantu intention that gives rise to actions SN12.25 Bhumija lighter, like heated iron ball, cotton wool SN51.22 Ayoguḷa like city SN35.245 Kiṁsukopama not healthy for a minute SN22.1 Nakulapitu old deeds, produced by volitional formations and intentions SN12.37 Natumha only remains after death SN12.51 Parivīmaṁsana origin is nutriment SN47.42 Samudaya visiting brahmā world with physical body SN51.22 Ayoguḷa body 3 (sarīra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also views about the soul and body like chariot Dhp151 soul and MN63 Cūḷamāluṅkya, MN72 Aggivacchagotta body contact (kāyasamphassa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon faculties of pleasure and pain SN48.36 Paṭhama Vibhaṅga body parts copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also beards;
“as below, so above” etc. SN51.20 Vibhaṅga elements and MN62 Mahārāhulovāda, MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga made of elements MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama perception of ugliness SN35.127 Bhāradvāja, AN10.60 Girimānanda
body, ending with (kāyapariyantika) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon feeling SN12.51 Parivīmaṁsana, SN36.7 Paṭhama Gelañña, SN54.8 Dīpa bog (paṅka) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon term for sense pleasures AN8.56 Kāmādhivacana boil (gaṇḍa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon aggregates SN23.1 Māra, AN9.36 Jhānanissaya term for body SN35.103 Uddaka, AN9.15 Gaṇḍopama term for sense pleasures AN8.56 Kāmādhivacana Bojjhā, upāsikā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon on uposatha AN8.45 Bojjhuposatha bojjhaṅga copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see awakening factors, seven (bojjhaṅga) bondages of the mind (cetovinibaddha, cetasovinibandha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon definition MN16 Cetokhila, AN10.14 Cetokhila develop bases of psychic power to give up AN9.92 Vinibandha iddhipāda develop foundations of mindfulness to give up AN9.72 Vinibandha satipaṭṭhāna develop right effort to give up AN9.82 Vinibandha sammappadhāna five kinds MN16 Cetokhila, AN5.206 Vinibandha, AN10.14 Cetokhila bondservants (dāsa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Kāḷī, servant becoming a monastic DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala caring for by breaking precepts MN97 Dhānañjāni freed, simile for removal of restlessness and remorse DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, MN39 Mahā-Assapura liable to rebirth, old age, sickness, etc. MN26 Ariyapariyesanā noble disciple grows nobly when they grow in AN10.74 Vaḍḍha not accepting as offering DN1: Brahmajāla, DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama, MN51 Kandaraka people who refrain from accepting are few SN56.87 Dāsidāsa bones copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also body;
charnel ground contemplation (sivathikā)
heap of like mountain for one person in saṁsara SN15.10 Ekapuggala like gourds Dhp149
bonfires copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also fires outshining an oil lamp MN79 Cūḷasakuludāyi, MN80 Vekhanassa simile for embracing woman AN7.72 Aggikkhandhopama simile for focusing on gratification SN12.52 Upādāna born from mouth copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon disciples of Buddha Iti100 Brāhmaṇadhammayāga Ven. Sāriputta MN111 Anupada borrowed goods copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for sense pleasures MN54 Potaliya bowing down (abhivādana) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon cause for rebirth AN9.19 Devatā danger of people bowing down to you AN7.72 Aggikkhandhopama fruit of ascetic life DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala not bowing out of fear for reputation DN4:24.0 Soṇadaṇḍa son not bowing to parents SN7.15 Mānatthaddha to monastics who come to your home AN9.19 Devatā bowls copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also alms bowl giving up valuable Thag1.97 Tissa, Thag16.7 Bhaddiya not lying for the sake of SN17.11 Suvaṇṇapāti, SN17.12 Rūpiyapāti of fat, simile for body AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda of oil, carrying, simile for mindfulness SN47.20 Janapadakalyāṇī of water cloudy in the dark, simile for doubt SN46.55 Saṅgārava of water covered with plants, simile for dullness and drowsiness SN46.55 Saṅgārava of water heated by fire, simile for ill will SN46.55 Saṅgārava of water mixed with dye, simile for sensual desire SN46.55 Saṅgārava of water stirred by wind, simile for restlessness and remorse SN46.55 Saṅgārava various words for MN139 Araṇavibhaṅga boys copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also children boy’s questions Kp4 Kumārapañhā harming an animal Ud5.4 Kumāraka bracelets copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for noisy companions Snp1.3 Khaggavisāṇa Brahmā copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon arising first in world system DN1: Brahmajāla best sight AN5.170 Bhaddaji brahmin teachers have not directly seen DN13:11.0 Tevijja ignorance DN1: Brahmajāla impossible for woman to be MN115 Bahudhātuka, AN1.283 path to DN13:31.0 Tevijja, MN97 Dhānañjāni path to attain SN35.132 Lohicca perceiving, directly knowing, etc. MN1 Mūlapariyāya qualities of DN13:31.0 Tevijja questioned by Ven. Moggallāna MN50 Māratajjanīya vehicle of SN45.4 Brāhmaṇa Brahmā mansions copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon empty appearing DN1: Brahmajāla, DN24:2.14.0 Pātika rebirth in Iti22 Metta Brahmā of a thousand (sahasso brahmā) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon aspiring to be reborn as MN120 Saṅkhārupapatti brahmā realm (brahmaloka) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha knows paths that lead to MN99 Subha how to be reborn in Snp3.5 Māgha one thousand in a world system AN3.80 Cūḷanikā path to DN19:30.0 Mahāgovinda rebirth in from wishing MN41 Sāleyyaka result of loving-kindness AN11.15 Mettānisaṁsa visiting using psychic powers DN2:34.0.1 Sāmaññaphala, DN10:2.1.0 Subha, MN73 Mahāvacchagotta, MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, SN51.22 Ayoguḷa Brahmā, Great copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon arising first in world system DN1: Brahmajāla Baka Brahmā MN49 Brahmanimantanika Buddha reborn as Iti22 Metta brahmacariya copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see spiritual path (brahmacariya) Brahmadatta, wanderer copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon praising the triple gem DN1:1.0 Brahmajāla Brahmadeva, Ven. copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon mother worships Brahmā SN6.3 Brahmadeva brahmās copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Baka Brahmā;
Mahābrahmā, the Great Brahmā;
Sahampati, Brahmā;
Sanaṅkumāra, Brahmā;
Tissa, Brahmā;
gods of Brahmā’s Host (brahmakāyika)
SN 6 Brahma Saṁyutta abiding in brahmaviharas MN55 Jīvaka arahants should be given to instead SN6.3 Brahmadeva asking them questions DN11:67.2.0 Kevaddha existing/surviving MN90 Kaṇṇakatthala “luxurious beds” of AN3.63 Venāgapura parents like AN3.31 Sabrahmaka, Iti106 Sabrahmaka rebirth as Iti22 Metta rebirth in company of AN7.73 Sunetta tamed by display of psychic powers SN6.14 Aruṇavatī with wrong view SN6.4 Bakabrahma, SN6.5 Aparādiṭṭhi
brahmaviharas copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also compassion (karuṇā);
equanimity (upekkhā);
loving-kindness (mettā);
rejoicing (mudita)
as “luxurious bed” of brahmās AN3.63 Venāgapura as practiced by brahmins AN5.192 Doṇa “attained to Brahmā” AN4.190 Bhikkhusaṅghathomana concentration and AN8.63 Saṅkhittadesita dwelling of brahmās MN55 Jīvaka dwelling of the Buddha MN55 Jīvaka eating almsfood MN55 Jīvaka evaluating views SN42.13 Pāṭaliya freedom through Snp1.3 Khaggavisāṇa leading to enlightenment MN7 Vatthūpama leads to heaven AN4.125 Tatiya Puggala leads to inner peace MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura like conch blower DN13:40-75.0 Tevijja, SN42.8 Saṅkhadhama like people approaching pond from four directions MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura limitless release of heart (appamāṇa cetovimutti) MN127 Anuruddha name for mindfulness of breathing SN54.11 Icchānaṅgala overcoming difficulties Thag6.2 Tekicchakāni path to Brahmā DN13:40-75.0 Tevijja, MN97 Dhānañjāni to overcome resentment AN5.161 Paṭhama Āghātapaṭivinaya to the four directions MN40 Cūḷa-Assapura under abuse MN50 Māratajjanīya
Brahmāyu, brahmin copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon marks of a great man MN91 Brahmāyu brahmin copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also arahant hard to be a true DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda how to become MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN91 Brahmāyu, MN98 Vāseṭṭha, Snp3.9 Vāseṭṭha life of SN45.37 Paṭhama Brahmañña like person crossing river SN2.5 Dāmali results of brahmin life SN45.37 Paṭhama Brahmañña simile for arahant; standing on far shore SN35.238 Āsivisopama simile for the Buddha MN23 Vammika true meaning DN8:15.0 Mahāsīhanāda, Dhp Chapter 26 , Ud1.4 Huṁhuṅka, Ud1.5 Brāhmaṇa, Ud1.6 Mahākassapa, Ud1.8 Saṅgāmaji, Ud1.9 Jaṭila brahmin lady copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon of the Verahaccāni clan SN35.133 Verahaccāni brahmins copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also sacrifices (yañña) SN 7 Brāhmaṇa Saṁyutta ancient traditions AN5.191 Soṇa, AN5.192 Doṇa, Snp2.7 Brāhmaṇadhammika aspiring to be reborn as MN120 Saṅkhārupapatti, AN8.35 Dānūpapatti brahmins’ triple knowledge AN3.58 Tikaṇṇa, AN3.59 Jāṇussoṇi Buddhas who were DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna ceremonies mortifying self and others MN51 Kandaraka, MN94 Ghoṭamukha ceremonies of SN42.6 Asibaddhaka, SN55.12 Brāhmaṇa, AN10.119 Paṭhama Paccorohaṇī, AN10.167 Brāhmaṇa paccorohaṇī, AN10.176 Cunda claims of superiority MN84 Madhurā, MN93 Assalāyana devoted to Brahmā realm MN97 Dhānañjāni equality with other castes MN84 Madhurā factors of DN4:11.0 Soṇadaṇḍa faith like line of blind people MN95 Caṅkī fettered by sense pleasures DN13:11.0 Tevijja gradual training in chanting MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna living on alms as “wealth” MN96 Esukārī mating with khattiyas DN3:1.24.0 Ambaṭṭha not being respected DN3:1.3.0 Ambaṭṭha not following ways of ancient seers DN3:2.6.0 Ambaṭṭha not guarding senses SN35.132 Lohicca of the past SN35.132 Lohicca offerings of milk-rice MN93 Assalāyana people who respect are few SN56.69 Brahmañña qualities of DN13:31.0 Tevijja running to a burnt offering MN129 Bālapaṇḍita soothsayers examining bodhisattas DN14:1.31.0 Mahāpadāna term for Tathāgata (realized one) AN8.85 Tathāgatādhivacana true Iti103 Samaṇabrāhmaṇa truths AN4.185 Catukoṭikasuññatā unlike Brahmā DN13:31.0 Tevijja wasted their lives AN3.51 Paṭhama Dvebrāhmaṇa, AN3.52 Dutiya Dvebrāhmaṇa what do they want AN6.52 Khattiya who can serve MN96 Esukārī breadfruit copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for not answering questions DN2:11.0 Sāmaññaphala breathing (assāsapassāsa) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānassati) bodily formation SN41.6 Dutiya Kāmabhu ceases in fourth jhāna AN9.31 Anupubbanirodha, AN9.33 Anupubbavihārasamāpatti thorn for fourth jhāna AN10.72 Kaṇṭaka breathless meditation copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Bodhisatta practicing MN36 Mahāsaccaka bribery copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon people who refrain from are few SN56.95 Ukkoṭanādi bridges copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon Buddha asking monk to be MN65 Bhaddāli building, merit grows day and night SN1.47 Vanaropa brief teaching (saṅkhittena) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see Dhamma teaching brothers copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also siblings death of SN15.3 Assu hard to find someone who has not been SN15.16 Bhātu brushing teeth copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon drawback of not AN5.208 Dantakaṭṭha bubbles copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon simile for feelings SN22.95 Pheṇapiṇḍūpama simile for shortness of life AN7.74 Araka simile for the world Dhp170 Buddha, the copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Bodhisatta;
Dhp Chapter 14 abides in brahmaviharas MN55 Jīvaka accused of being young SN3.1 Dahara acting rightly and wrongly towards AN2.137 Āyācana 8 advice is best of all MN107 Gaṇakamoggallāna after enlightenment SN4.1 Tapokamma, SN4.2 Nāga, SN4.3 Subha, SN6.1 Āyācana, SN6.2 Gārava anger towards MN66 Laṭukikopama announces passing away in three months DN16:3.38.0 Mahāparinibbāna approaching different assemblies DN16:3.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, AN8.69 Parisa arising of is beneficial for all AN1.170 Ekapuggala 1 as best Iti112 Loka as best person Dhp353 as doctor Iti100 Brāhmaṇadhammayāga, Thag16.3 Telakāni as nāga Thag15.2 Udāyi as unequalled gem Kp6 Ratana as vision and knowledge MN18 Madhupiṇḍika asked if he is a god AN4.36 Doṇa asking monks if they have doubts AN4.76 Kusinārā attainments Snp1.2 Dhaniya attainting enlightenment MN4 Bhayabherava attendants Ud8.7 Dvidhāpatha austerity practices MN100 Saṅgārava awakening factors when ill SN46.16 Tatiya Gilāna behaviour MN91 Brahmāyu best of all beings SN2.30 Nānātitthiyasāvaka, SN45.139 Tathāgata, SN46.89 Tathāgata, AN10.15 Appamāda best of lights SN1.26 Pajjota, SN2.4 Māgadha best speaker SN1.74 Vuṭṭhi biogragraphical information DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna can’t cause someone’s rebirth SN42.6 Asibaddhaka cannot release someone Snp5.6 Dhotakamāṇavapucchā caring for new monks who don’t have powers of trainee AN5.7 Kāmesu palāḷita closeness to Iti92 Saṅghāṭikaṇṇa compared to disciples MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi compares himself to Ven. Mahā Kassapa SN16.9 Jhānābhiññā contentment AN10.30 Dutiya Kosala criticizing SN42.9 Kula, AN8.87 Pattanikkujjana death is regretted AN1.173 Ekapuggala 4 debating with MN35 Cūḷasaccaka declaring attainments of individuals DN16:2.5.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN55.8 Paṭhama Giñjakāvasatha, SN55.9 Dutiya Giñjakāvasatha, SN55.10 Tatiya Giñjakāvasatha declaring own enlightenment SN48.21 Punabbhava, SN48.28 Buddha, AN3.103 Pubbevasambodha, AN3.104 Paṭhama Assāda declaring rebirth of individuals DN16:2.5.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN68 Naḷakapāna, SN44.9 Kutuhalasālā, SN55.8 Paṭhama Giñjakāvasatha, SN55.9 Dutiya Giñjakāvasatha, SN55.10 Tatiya Giñjakāvasatha defilements cut off MN68 Naḷakapāna dependent origination while bodhisatta SN12.10 Gotama description of MN82 Raṭṭhapāla, MN108 Gopakamoggallāna desire to teach people who have overestimated themselves MN105 Sunakkhatta different from disciples MN108 Gopakamoggallāna discouraging someone from visiting DN4:4.0 Soṇadaṇḍa, MN56 Upāli, MN95 Caṅkī discoverer of foundations of mindfulness SN47.31 Ananussuta discoverer of the path MN108 Gopakamoggallāna disgusted by bad conduct AN8.11 Verañja divine ear MN12 Mahāsīhanāda doctor MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela doesn’t dispute with the world SN22.94 Puppha doesn’t like to think about disputing monks AN3.124 Bhaṇḍana eighty years old DN16:2.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN89 Dhammacetiya, SN47.9 Gilāna enduring pain SN1.38 Sakalika enjoying seclusion AN6.42 Nāgita enlightenment of MN26 Ariyapariyesanā, MN100 Saṅgārava enlightenment, iddhipāda SN51.9 Ñāṇa envied by gods Dhp181 excellence is like fire blazing Thag1.3 Kaṅkhārevata exchanging robes with Ven. Mahā Kassapa SN16.11 Cīvara false accusations against MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, MN55 Jīvaka, Ud4.8 Sundarī feelings, painful/pleasant don’t occupy mind MN36 Mahāsaccaka following him around AN8.63 Saṅkhittadesita footprints AN4.36 Doṇa forest dwelling AN10.30 Dutiya Kosala going forth while young MN95 Caṅkī going into retreat SN45.11 Paṭhama Vihāra, SN45.12 Dutiya Vihāra, SN54.9 Vesālī, SN54.11 Icchānaṅgala greed, hatred, delusion given up MN55 Jīvaka happiness for seven days without moving MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandha has no teacher MN26 Ariyapariyesanā has sense bases but not greed SN35.232 Koṭṭhita has understood gratification, danger, escape AN3.104 Paṭhama Assāda helping monk SN22.84 Tissa honor to give up unskillful and develop skillful AN7.70 Sakkāragarukāra honoring the Dhamma AN3.14 Cakkavatti how he teaches MN35 Cūḷasaccaka, MN36 Mahāsaccaka, AN8.12 Sīhasenāpati illness of DN16:2.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, DN16:4.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN7.13 Devahita, SN46.16 Tatiya Gilāna, SN47.9 Gilāna, AN3.73 Mahānāmasakka, Ud8.5 Cunda, Thag2.33 Upavāna incredible and amazing events AN4.127 Paṭhama Tathāgatacchariya, AN4.128 Dutiya Tathāgatacchariya inspiration as soon as seeing AN8.21 Vesālika-ugga, AN8.22 Hatthigāmaka ugga inspiration for teaching AN8.82 Puṇṇiya, AN10.83 Puṇṇiya investigating MN47 Vīmaṁsaka irreproachable AN7.58 Arakkheyya king of Dhamma MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela, Thag16.5 Māluṅkyaputta knowing Buddhas of the past DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna, MN123 Acchariya-abbhūta knowing path to Brahmā DN13:31.0 Tevijja knowing the minds of others AN6.62 Purisindriyañāna knowledge he shared SN56.31 Siṁsapā knowledge of the Buddha AN4.24 Kāḷakārāma last meal DN16:4.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna, Ud8.5 Cunda like a lotus grown up out of mud AN4.36 Doṇa like first chick to hatch AN8.11 Verañja like great cloud that rains on disciples SN8.8 Parosahassa like lotus or lilly that water does not cling to AN10.81 Bāhuna lives for the fruit of knowledge and freedom SN46.6 Kuṇḍaliya living in empty huts has destroyed, claim that DN25:1.0 Udumbarikasīhanāda love for SN46.30 Udayī Māra’s army MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela marks of a great man DN3:1.3.0 Ambaṭṭha, MN91 Brahmāyu meditating despite noise DN16:4.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna meditating on emptiness MN121 Cūḷasuññata meditation after enlightenment SN4.24 Sattavassa meditation practice SN45.11 Paṭhama Vihāra, SN45.12 Dutiya Vihāra mind reading MN12 Mahāsīhanāda misrepresenting MN22 Alagaddūpama, AN2.22 Bāla 2, AN2.23 Bāla 3, AN2.25 Bāla 5 no one can blame MN12 Mahāsīhanāda no one equal to DN8:21.0 Mahāsīhanāda no superhuman distinction MN12 Mahāsīhanāda not bowing to elders AN4.22 Dutiya Uruvela, AN5.192 Doṇa, AN8.11 Verañja not getting almsfood SN4.18 Piṇḍa not treating students like potter with wet clay MN122 Mahāsuññata nothing to hide AN7.58 Arakkheyya old age of MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, SN48.41 Jarā open-handed Thag1.86 Nāgita parinibbāna of SN6.15 Parinibbāna passing away DN16:6.8.0 Mahāparinibbāna path to enlightenment MN100 Saṅgārava places significant in life of DN16:5.7.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN4.118 Saṁvejanīya praise and blame does not affect MN22 Alagaddūpama praise of DN19:4.0 Mahāgovinda, MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopama, MN95 Caṅkī, MN133 Mahākaccānabhaddekaratta, MN138 Uddesavibhaṅga, SN1.38 Sakalika, SN1.45 Anoma, SN3.12 Pañcarāja, SN8.8 Parosahassa, AN5.30 Nāgita, AN5.194 Kāraṇapāli, Thag4.6 Senaka praise of by gods DN18:27.3.0 Janavasabha praise on ten grounds MN101 Devadaha psychic powers DN16:1.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna, DN16:3.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, DN16:4.13.0 Mahāparinibbāna, MN12 Mahāsīhanāda, AN5.68 Dutiya Iddhipāda, AN8.69 Parisa, Ud7.9 Udapāna, Ud8.5 Cunda, Ud8.6 Pāṭaligāmiya psychic powers, how he developed SN51.32 Tathāgata psychic powers, using DN25:23.0 Udumbarikasīhanāda psychic powers, using to teach SN7.15 Mānatthaddha psychic powers, vanishing and reappearing MN49 Brahmanimantanika qualities of DN4:6.0 Soṇadaṇḍa, MN56 Upāli, MN92 Sela, MN133 Mahākaccānabhaddekaratta, MN138 Uddesavibhaṅga, AN8.11 Verañja, Snp1.9 Hemavata, Snp3.4 Sundarikabhāradvāja, Snp3.6 Sabhiya, Snp3.7 Sela rarity of AN1.171 Ekapuggala 2 reaction to uninterested students MN137 Saḷāyatanavibhaṅga reluctant to teach MN26 Ariyapariyesanā rely on to give up unskillful and develop skillful AN7.70 Sakkāragarukāra relying on as spiritual friend SN3.18 Kalyāṇamitta, SN45.2 Upaḍḍha reputation MN60 Apaṇṇaka, MN91 Brahmāyu, SN55.7 Veludavāreyya reputation definition MN41 Sāleyyaka, AN3.63 Venāgapura respect for SN46.30 Udayī respects the Dhamma SN6.2 Gārava, AN4.21 Paṭhama Uruvela reviewing his attainments Ud6.3 Paccavekkhaṇa sammāsambuddha SN56.23 Sammāsambuddha seclusion, delight in DN19:4.0 Mahāgovinda seeing sees the Dhamma SN22.87 Vakkali, Iti92 Saṅghāṭikaṇṇa self mortification of MN12 Mahāsīhanāda sense pleasures and MN75 Māgandiya, AN8.11 Verañja siding with no matter what SN55.23 Godhā skin brightens on two occasions DN16:4.26.0 Mahāparinibbāna skin brightens when attacked MN36 Mahāsaccaka sleeping well AN3.35 Hatthaka smiling MN81 Ghaṭīkāra, MN83 Makhādeva, AN5.180 Gavesī sons of SN8.7 Pavāraṇā sore back MN53 Sekha splinter injury SN4.13 Sakalika staying in potter’s shed MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅga surrenders life force DN16:3.10.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN51.10 Cetiya, AN8.70 Bhumicāla, Ud6.1 Āyusaṅkhārossajjana teaches carefully AN5.99 Sīha teaches emphasizing the topic of dismissal MN122 Mahāsuññata teaches only what is necessary SN56.31 Siṁsapā teaches with compassion MN122 Mahāsuññata, SN4.14 Patirūpa teaches with direct knowledge, reason, demonstrable base MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, AN3.125 Gotamakacetiya teaching different groups DN16:3.21.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN8.69 Parisa teaching gods MN49 Brahmanimantanika teaching to different kinds of people AN10.22 Adhivuttipada teaching to different listeners SN42.7 Khettūpama teaching when inspired AN8.82 Puṇṇiya, AN10.83 Puṇṇiya teaching yakkha SN10.12 Āḷavaka, Snp1.10 Āḷavaka teased Ud5.9 Sadhāyamāna things he has escaped from AN10.81 Bāhuna thoughts he has Iti38 Vitakka time after enlightenment SN47.18 Brahma, SN47.43 Magga, Ud1.1 Paṭhama Bodhi, Ud1.2 Dutiya Bodhi, Ud1.3 Tatiya Bodhi, Ud1.4 Huṁhuṅka, Ud3.10 Loka time before passing away AN4.76 Kusinārā treating as a friend MN122 Mahāsuññata understanding of Iti112 Loka urging support of other mendicants MN56 Upāli visiting beings about to die AN6.56 Phagguṇa, Vv21 Caṇḍāli, Vv50 Rajjumālā, Vv53 Chattamāṇavaka, Vv83 Maṭṭhakuṇḍalī visiting brahmā world MN49 Brahmanimantanika, SN6.4 Bakabrahma, SN6.5 Aparādiṭṭhi, SN51.22 Ayoguḷa visiting deva world SN55.20 Tatiya Devacārika visiting like land-spotting bird AN6.54 Dhammika visiting monks AN8.30 Anuruddha visiting monks in trouble SN21.1 Kolita, AN6.55 Soṇa, AN7.61 Pacalāyana visiting sick monks SN35.74 Paṭhama Gilāna, SN35.75 Dutiya Gilāna visiting wanderers of other sects MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi, MN79 Cūḷasakuludāyi voice, qualities of MN91 Brahmāyu warming back in the sun SN48.41 Jarā what kind of mendicant would beautify sal park MN32 Mahāgosiṅga why disciples respect MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi wisdom of MN77 Mahāsakuludāyi wisdom of like archers MN12 Mahāsīhanāda without counterpart AN1.174 Ekapuggala 5, Iti112 Loka worthy of offerings AN10.30 Dutiya Kosala
“Buddha”, the word copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon hard to find in world MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela buddhānussati copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see recollection of Buddha (buddhānussati) Buddhas copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also Buddha, the;
all respected the Dhamma SN6.2 Gārava, AN4.21 Paṭhama Uruvela, AN5.133 Dhammarāja all teachings the same Thag7.5 Sarabhaṅga appear for welfare of beings AN2.52 Puggala 1 appear only one at a time DN19:4.0 Mahāgovinda appearing in the world MN38 Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhaya, MN51 Kandaraka arise because birth, old age, death are found in the world AN10.76 Tayodhamma awakening factors only arise when Buddha appears SN46.9 Paṭhama Uppāda biogragraphical information DN14:1.0 Mahāpadāna birth of causes heavens to swell DN21:1.8.0 Sakkapañha can live for eon Ud6.1 Āyusaṅkhārossajjana death is regretted AN2.54 Puggala 3 death of causes earthquake DN16:3.11.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN8.70 Bhumicāla enlightenment of causes earthquake DN16:3.11.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN8.70 Bhumicāla freed by not grasping SN22.58 Sambuddha gifts to MN142 Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga harming/shedding blood MN115 Bahudhātuka have same qualities DN16:1.16.0 Mahāparinibbāna, SN47.12 Nālandā how to become MN39 Mahā-Assapura, MN91 Brahmāyu impossible for two at the same time MN115 Bahudhātuka, AN1.277 impossible for woman to be MN115 Bahudhātuka, AN1.279 incredible humans AN2.53 Puggala 2 like lotus unstained by water AN6.43 Nāga noble eightfold path only arises when Buddha appears SN45.14 Paṭhama Uppāda of the past and future DN16:1.16.0 Mahāparinibbāna, DN18:27.3.0 Janavasabha, MN51 Kandaraka, SN47.12 Nālandā of the past, describing SN35.83 Phagguna only show the way Dhp276 rarity of MN92 Sela, AN3.114 Dullabha, AN5.143 Sārandada, AN5.195 Piṅgiyānī, AN6.96 Pātubhāva, AN8.29 Akkhaṇa, Dhp182 , Snp3.7 Sela revealing themselves when praised MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela scope of is inconceivable AN4.77 Acinteyya seeing a Buddha is rare MN92 Sela, Snp3.7 Sela seeing a Buddha is unsurpassable AN6.30 Anuttariya self-assurances AN4.8 Vesārajja surrendering life force causes earthquake DN16:3.11.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN8.70 Bhumicāla teach Dhamma righteously AN5.131 Paṭhama Cakkānuvattana two kinds AN2.56 Puggala 5 when Buddha appears, awakening factors appear SN46.42 Cakkavatti when Buddha appears, spiritual faculties appear SN48.59 Paṭhama Uppāda worthy of gifts AN10.16 Āhuneyya worthy of stupa DN16:5.12.0 Mahāparinibbāna, AN2.55 Puggala 4, AN4.247 Thūpāraha
Buddhas, seven copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon AN4.67 Ahimetta Gotama Buddha as seventh SN8.8 Parosahassa buildings copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see also citadel;
dwellings (senāsana);
empty huts (suññāgāra, suññageha);
fire chamber;
guest houses;
palaces (pāsādā);
roof peak;
shrines (cetiya);
stupa (thupa);
space becomes when enclosed MN28 Mahāhatthipadopama to be first used by the Saṅgha MN53 Sekha, SN35.243 Avassutapariyāya
bull (usabha) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon mind like AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda with cut horns, simile for mind AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda with horns cut, humble like AN9.11 Sāriputta sīhanāda bungalows (kūṭāgāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon see houses burden (bhāra) copy icon link copy icon text copy icon text copy icon text copy icon five aggregates of clinging SN22.22 Bhāra burning (āditta, ādīpita) copy icon link copy icon